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He pulled away gently,looking away,"I...I'm sorry..."he hugged you,hiding his face in the crook of your neck,his breath tickled your neck and sent shivers down your spine.

"I didn't mean to drive you away...I just..." He sighed. You hesitantly hugged him back,feeling him stiffen up. "It's in your nature to use things to your advantage... I guess that's why I think this is all just...some trick but..."

"That doesn't mean I can't enjoy this delusion while it lasts..."


You awoke in the bed Megatron provided and sighed.

Back on the ship again...from where I ran...

The eradicon were were happy to have you back after the ship turned on them for a bit there.

The moment with Megatron wasn't spoken about,but in his berthroom he'd change into his holoform and hug you quite a bit. When you asked why,he looked away nervously.

"A hug...from you helps ease the stress from the day..."

He was that silly dork again. Your silly dork again...

You blushed lightly as you looked at the sleeping form of Megatron. He looked so peaceful... So happy...

Maybe a bit to happy...

You raised a brow as he whines in his recharge,shifting around a bit."Y/n..."he mutters,your face felt like it was on fire.

Oh dear god.

He bolted up when there was banging on the door. He sighed,the sound of fans filled the room as you held back laughter,staring at his half awake state. He groaned and got up,opening the door.  "Master-" Arachnid starts,he grabbed her by the helm and threw her down the hall like she was nothing,the door shut and he collapsed back onto his berth. "So tired..." he groans.

"And disappointed your dream ended so soon,I presume? And it was just getting good,too." You smirked as he opened a optic and glared at you."You hush..."

"Oh,well then maybe I'll go back to LA,ya know,its quite rare not to get laid there."

You smirk when his helm shot up and he stared at you."Are you insinuating-"

"That'd I'd leave the ship to get some human ass? Yes. And some good ass too. I'll send pics~!" You teased,turning away."You are so rude."he huffed,you turn to see him pouting with his arms crossed."What? Why should you care?"you smirked. Its been like this the entire time you've been here,you'd basically try to pry his true intentions out and he'd end up going with his whole love struck act.

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now