Past. Present. Switch.

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You spoke with the last Prime to see if his medic could help,unfortunately he couldn't anytime soon as he needed to do research.

You hated having to wait.

You knew Stan would give you the beating of your life the moment you got home.

But you didn't want to leave.

You wanted to stay with Megatron.

But if your husband wouldn't kill you,Megatron would.

So why not tell him the truth? It won't change anything...

You thought this as you sat alone in the bridge with Megatron sitting next to you. You looked down to him,seeing him inspecting your wounds on your body. "You know they aren't from pit fights,I take it?" You said plainly,he jumped and nods."It doesn't add up."he states.

"Smart bot."

"Can you tell me where they are from...?"

You looked back down to him,"Wow am I that frightening?"he questions, you nodded."Damn..."

You smiled softly,looking away,"Well,Megatron. I shall answer your question with a question. Do you really want to know? Do you want to go to my house and experience what I do?"

Megatron went silent,looking up at you. "How bad is it down there?" He questions. "Bad..."

"Who did this to you?"

"My husband."

"And you don't fight back?"

"Can't. Too weak."

"That's a load of scrap! You are strong! I should know,I'm in your body!"

You looked down to the Decepticon lord that inhabited your body in shock. "But you don't know my mental health-"

"Mental health is stupid! I was the cause of my damn planet dying! I've seen bots die countless times,yet I am still the strongest Decepticon there is!" He shouts."Yes but that doesn't effect you-"

"Doesn't it?! I didn't want my fragging planet to die! I only wanted those ignorant rich aftholes to step down and help the poor! Of course I wanted to use force,I'M A FRAGGING GLADIATOR!" he covered his/your mouth and your optics widen."You never wanted to be here...did you?"

He nods,looking down sadly. You sighed.

"Fleshy?"He starts."Hmm?"You hum."I can take care of him!" He shouts. "What?" You raised a optical ridge. "I'll beat the pit outta this Husband!" He smirks,punching an open hand. You chuckled,"Its not that easy,Megatron."

"How can it be that hard?! All I gotta do is punch him in the face!" He posed strongly and you snicker. "Oh dear...Megatron you are making me look foolish." You chuckled. He huffed and crossed his/your arms and pouted. The door opened and a Eradicon enters.

"Lord Megatron!" You and Megatron looked over to the bot,"The antidote you have requested,my lord,it's finished!"he shouts from across the room,you looked down to Megatron. "Do you always have them shout across the bridge?"

"Yes. I don't like them to close." He huffed."Ya dork."You chuckled quietly. "Lord Megatron,is the you?" The eradicon said. The troops had heard of the whole switch while on the battlefield,and word spread from there,so the drone was confused as to what to say exactly. "No,no." Megatron states,standing tall.

"Bring the antidote. NOW!" He shouts,the bot jumps,saluting him and dashing out. You sighed, "So,guess this is it,huh?" You smiled gently. "What do you mean?"

"Well when we are back to normal either you'll kill me to show your power or I'll go back home-"

"You are not going to die,nor or you going home! That's an order!" He shouts,you looked at him in shock,"What...? Megatron my hormonal reactions must be messing with you-" he cut you off once again."No,nothing so trivial would mess with my brilliant mind,and my orders are final."he huffed and you cover your mouth,stifling a laugh."My my,lord Megatron,you make quite a convincing argument. "You chuckled." You better believe it."he smirked with confidence.

"It's strange,seeing my face show so much confidence and strength..." You smiled.

Before he could reply,the medic known as Knockout enters with two capsules, one quite smaller than the other."My lord,the antidote. "Knockout hands the smaller one to Megatron and the larger to you. You take the lid off the capsule." And you're certain this will work?"

"Are you doubting me,fleshy?" Knockout growled,"Shut it or your paint will not be so shiny,pretty bot."you growled. Knockout jumped,"Good to know you won't be able to frighten other bots after this-"you rolled your optics and took a claw,hovering over his chest plates,"What was that,Knockout? "You smirk. " N-nothing!"he chuckled and backed up. "You have to take this antidote around the same time,so be careful about the timing,fleshy." Knockout sneers.


You and Megatron prepared to take the antidote.


You both put it up to your mouths.


You gulp it down quickly, the room going dark...

Your eyes snap open and you looked at your body. It was you again,you smiled and looked up at Megatron,he started to awaken slowly, groaning a bit. "M-Megatron!" You beamed,your stutter back again as you had no intention to keep your own reputation with the bots high. He looked down to you,then his own body. "It appears we are ourselves once more-Eh!?" He stopped speaking when you hugged his servo."I-I'm so glad y-you're okay!"you sobbed,his optics widen slightly.

"Why would you even worry?" He asks,a confused expression painting over his strong features."I t-thought knowing m-my luck it might hurt y-you..."you mumbled,Knockout huffed and crossed his arms. "P-plus I have g-grown to respect y-you,my lord!" You smiled wide,looking up at him with admiration and excitement. He smirked,"Unsurprising. "He states and you pout up at him." H-honestly,I'm g-glad you weren't l-like that in m-my body all t-the time."you huffed.

"Lord Megatron,shall I dispose of the fleshy?" Knockout asked,advancing.

"No," Megatron raised a hand to stop him,the red bot stopped midway from reaching your trembling form."I find she will be an advantage. And seeing as Prime has yet to find himself his own human,I'd like to be one step ahead of him."Megatron states. Knockout bowed,"Clever as always,my lord."Knockout said,with hidden doubt. "M-Megaton,he h-has his doubts. I-I must admit,I d-do as well." You tremble more as Megatron looked down to your form.

He turned his helm to the shocked Knockout, "She has hidden abilities, Knockout. Some I didn't even realize." He smirked and glanced at your embarrassed induced flushed face.

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now