One Shall Rise and Orion Pax

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"He already knows we are here"

You said blankly, Megatron looked over to you."Do you hear all of them...?"he questioned. You shivered,knowing he meant the thoughts of Unicron,and nodded. He looked slightly worried before that looked was replaced by shock as the place rumbled.

"He's preparing to expel us!" Megatron growled,Bulkhead looked woozy and his teammates were at his side. In the distance, several flying things came in your direction. "What are those things?" Arcee asked,"As we are in Unicron's body,it would stand to reason that they are his antibodies. "Optimus stated. They got closer and Megatron,Optimus, Bumblebee,Bulkhead, and Arcee start to fight them,you'd fire at them when they got to close to any one of the bots.

Megatron and Optimus fight together like they have done it for eons,side by side as they take down these things. Bulkhead slipped and Bee caught him,beeping.

":: I got you!::" he shouted,"Let go,kid! I'll only drag you down!"Bulkhead yelled. You jumped off your disk and ran to them,grabbing one of the wreakers servos and pulling him up. When he was fully up,he looked down at you in shock,"How did you-?"

"Unicron's awakening gave me some sort of power boost. But it would seem the same doesn't go for my lord." You stated,watching as he fights,he froze and gripped his helm,shouting in pain.

"Megatron, kill the Prime!"

Megatron yells and threw Optimus out of the way as he fired at an antibody. "This way!" Megatron points down the vain and you look down there.

You heard your own heart stop for a moment.

"Unicron's spark..." You mutter.

You jumped on your disk,dodging oncoming antibodies and charging to the wall,Optimus and Megatron follow. You covered them by firing other antibodies and Megatron arrived at your side."How do we get in!?"Optimus asked."By fooling Unicron's body that we are not a threat."Megatron looks at you and you sighed.

"W-why me?" You question. "You have more of a connection with Unicron, simply stand in front of the wall." He stated,you huffed and stood tall before the wall. Your chest glowed purple and the wall opened,"Hurry!"You shout,Megatron and Optimus dash in after you as you zoom down the hall.

The hall ends and you gasp.

"Who are you,worm?" A voice growled in your head,pain shoot through and you wince slightly.

"Y/n?" Megatron looked at you in concern."I'm fine."you growled."Optimus, we don't have much time!"you shout at the Prime,he nods. Suddenly the two were shocked by the Spark,pain shot through your entire body.

"You appear to be human,but yet you are not." Unicron's head was visible as you stood on floor that didn't exist to the eyes. "Unicron..." You growled."Tell me,parasite, what are you!?"

"Your worst damn nightmare." You snarl.

"Kill the fool!" Unicron orders

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now