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You sighed as you looked out the window,you haven't left your room, not after the argument.

But today you were finally told to leave and head to the top of the base,so you did,leaving your room for the first time in weeks.

Megatron gave you a hopeful smile,to which you returned a small glare. He sighed as he sat on his throne,tapping a clawed digit. A Spacebridge was opened and drones went to it in case of needed assistance, a tall,bulky mech with one optic walked through and bowed.

"I present to you,my liege,the ultimate autobot hunter." He stood straight and held his only servo up to the portal as a large metal dragon walked through. Megatron looked up at it in shock.

You on the other hand were excited,your eyes lit up with joy.

"I am so glad I got out of my room-!"

The cyclops jumped slightly, looking over to you,"My liege...there appears to be a human on your throne."he said,pointing to you. Megatron looked at you to see you giggling,"No no,you misunderstand,though the conclusion I am human is logical. I am not,however."You state, "Yes,Shockwave,meet my personal assistant, Y/n."

Shockwave stares at you and you waved. "Caaaaaan I pet him?" You ask,pointing to the metal dragon, "Y/n,petting a Predacon would be dangerous." Megatron growled,"No worries,he is completely trained."Shockwave stated. You squeal and dash over to the Predacon,the other mechs looked terrified of him. You put out a hand and he sniffs at it with caution.

"Whats his name?" You ask as he sniffed at your gut."He has no name,simply call him Predacon."Shockwave stated."Do I call you guys Cybertronian? Robot? It is like naming a dog Dog."You explained as the Predacon sniffed at your hair. "How about...Igneel?" You question, the Predacon lays his head down with a small huff before nudging you,"That a yes?"You chuckled,petting him as he purred.

"Igneel? Tch,I'd rather just call it Predacon. Or brut."Starscream scoffed and Igneel growled at him. "You tell the drag queen,Igneel." You giggle,petting his snout."Drag queen?!"Starscream said shrilly. "Can someone take him away? He's hurting Igneel's hearing. And mine." You huffed.

Sadly,Starscream wasn't taken away.

Shame really.

But you got to keep Igneel in your room seeing as it was large enough to accommodate the Predacon. Surprising, yes. But he enjoyed it as he curled up and kept a watchful optic for any danger. There was a knock on your door and Igneel's helm shot up,you shushed him gently and he huffed as you step on your disk and flew over to the door,opening it to see Megatron.

"May I...come in...?" He questions. You sighed.

"Megatron,I know what this is. We have both lived longer than any human,and perhaps longer than most mechs on this ship. Long enough to be childish,to be alive,happy,angry,and to love. I have loved many in my lifespan,none being of my race and none giving me the feelings you have provided. Feelings of confusion, fear,hate,happiness, and love are some of the common side effects of being in your presence. Megatron...I love you,but for fucks sake am I pissed you'd even try killing children. Its low. Even for you."

Megatron sighed,"I see...I shall give you time..."He glanced at the alert Predacon and sighed,leaning down."I love you."he whispers,leaving you to look down and to the side as the door shut. Igneel gave a small huff and tilted his head. "Don't worry about it. You rest up,'s been a late night."

He huffed and leaned his helm closer to you,rubbing against you gently as you kept your footing on your disk,chuckling softly.

Hours later you lay in darkness, the sounds of Igneel's systems powering down for recharge where white noise to the thoughts that filled your mind.

The first time Megatron smiled at you,for real.

When he said he'd beat Stan up.

When he hugged you the first time.

When he kissed you the first time.

When he held you close to his holoform.

You huffed gently as you open your eyes,giving up on the futile effort for sleep. You looked over and see Igneel was fully asleep and you stand,checking the time.

3:27 AM

Damn it was late-

You sighed and step on your disk,leaving the room and going down the hall.

You had a destination, it wasn't that far down the hall.

You gently knock on the door and hear a low groan and heavy pede falls. The door opened and a disgruntled, sleepy Megatron looked at you in a dazed(somewhat annoyed) state. His face turned to surprise to see you there,nervously fidgeting with your hands as you stood in a black tank top and teal fluffy pajama pants.

"C...can I stay here for the night...?" You asked hesitantly. He nods,stepping aside and shutting the door behind you. He sat on the edge of his berth and looked at you as you take your place on your bed(Megatron expected you to stay in his room again)on the end table. "So...are you unwell?" He asked. "I just...couldn't sleep alone..." You mutter,embarrassed as your face flushed up.

He smiled and layed down,shutting his optics as his holoform appeared beside you,he was shirtless but covered below the waist with pajama pants that were fluffy like yours,but a deep purple. He smiled gently and wrapped an arm around you,pulling you down on the bed and getting you both under the covers. He held you close to his chest, grabbing your hand and kissing your cheek.

"Now you're not alone." He chuckled,you gave a small giggle and soon fell asleep in his grasp.


A knock on the door awoke you

You open your eyes slowly and you whine slightly, turning to the side to find something there.

Megatron's chest...


You looked up to see him slowly waking up,his holoform glitches slightly and vanished as his bipedal mode groaned,sitting up and walking to the door,opening it to find an Eradicon, "Lord Megatron! Y/n has gone missing!" The drone exclaimed in sadness. Megatron stepped aside and pointed to you sitting up on your bed and rubbing at one of your eyes.

"O-oh...apologies,Lord Megatron."

"It was a legitimate worry,just don't be so loud in the morning..." Megatron said,shutting the door and laying back down on his berth.

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now