What's he like...?

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(WARNING:This part contains Self harm,blood,self hatred)

You stayed in your hut for a few days,no word from anybot or human.

But there was him...

He went on and on about how he'd destroy this planet and the last Prime.

"Jesus,can you shut up? God your worse than a sparkling..." You mutter

"I am a god!"

"Then fucking act like it!" You growled,then froze."Oh dear god no wonder Megatron followed you."you sighed.

It was silent for a few hours(thank god-) until your comm link went off. Autobots. You answer.

"Y-yes hello?"

"Y/n, I have to ask if you know where the Decepticons are building a Spacebridge." Ratchet. Of course it was him,they obviously haven't got Prime back yet.

"No. C-can't say know where...I-I'm sorry."

"No it is fine,human Y/n." You twitch at human.

You're not human...not after that...You thought bitterly. He hung up.

Peaceful silence was drowned out by the depression setting in. Stupid,why did you leave him!? Why couldn't you help any bot!? You deserve to be punished...

You didn't know you had moved till the knife was in your shaking hands.

Do it.

You placed it at your wrist,tears flowing down your soft cheeks.

Do it!

Dark energon rushed from three open rifts in the delicate skin,dripping down and hitting the stone floors you made yourself. You stare at the cuts and growl,throwing the knife at the wall,the point dug itself into the dirt and it stayed in place,dark energon dripping from it.

Jesus that escalated quickly... Pent up feelings maybe-

"Who knew humans were weak to even themselves."

You gripped your bleeding wrist,"I am not one of them!"you snarled. "And yet you act like it."Unicron said smugly. You growled,about ready to tell him off,when you see a familiar F-16 jet crash and hear a groan not long after.

You sighed,"Starscream..."

You walked to the crash site just in time as a groundbridge opened,Ratchet and Bulkhead walk out and to the injured Starscream. The seekers leg was leaking energon. You held back a hiss as your wrist throbbed.

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now