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"Knockout, what is this abomination?!" Megatron growling was what you heard first thing when you got on the bridge."And why have you brought it here?"

"I am Silas. As in cybernetic life augmented by symbiosis."

You looked to see Breakdown's body beaten and dirtied, yet the voice belonged to someone you remember all to well."I come with a proposition. "

"This is the human who dissected Breakdown!" Knockout snarled,his servo changed to his saw blade."Please my liege,allow me to return the favor."he growled,glaring at the human inside his old friend's body."I propose that you not overlook the one asset that provides Optimus Prime an advantage. At least,on this world." Silas spoke with confidence. "And that would be?" Megatron raised an optical ridge."The human factor."

"Look around you,Silas! I command an army from a mighty warship. What good could a human possibly offer?" Megatron snarled. "I am no ordinary human. And this," he turned slightly to point at a large case."is no ordinary weapon."

They spoke of the weapon a bit."A threat to anyone on the planet?"Megatron questions. "With pinpoint accuracy at the flick of a switch." Silas smirked. "And what is it that you...wish in return?" Megatron asked,looking at the abomination. "Merely a place at the table." He bowed.

Silas turned fully and spotted you,yelping and aiming at you,you cast a simple shield spell as he fired,he stepped back in shock."Nice to see you once again,Silas."you growled at disgusting excuse for a human."Y-Y/n? You're alive! And...young still..."he trailed off,scratching the back of his neck.

"You know this human,Y/n?" Megatron asked. You bowed."Sadly yes."

"Sadly?!" Silas exclaimed, "I left you for a reason,Leland." You snarl(omg Silas's real name is my brother's name holy shit-)

"Why?! Because you think because you're a mage I don't deserve you?!" He snapped."No! Because of your selfish actions you made you didn't deserve me! I am not some toy,Bishop!"

"What the frag is going on?" Megatron mutters,leaning towards Soundwave, who simply shrugged.

"It's Silas to you,after you left me all alone!" Silas yelled,advancing. "After I left you alone? Tch,please. You left me all alone when we were still engaged! Its no wonder I left with Dan!" You growled,"YOU LEFT ME FOR HIM!? HE'S AN IDIOT!"Silas shouts,you smack his face and he froze,"Do not call Dan such things,he took me in when you abandoned me without a word!"You snarled.

"Wait did she say engaged-?"

"I had to leave!" He shouts."Without telling me shit?! Un-fucking-likely,Bishop!"

"Silence!" Megatron shouts,you looked at him in shock. "Y/n,explain!" He shouts."Oh,so now you're his?"Silas growled,you slap him and regain your professional stance."Well,my lord-"

"He's a fucking alien-"

"Bishop,or as you know him,Silas,and I were engaged years ago-"

"You're kidding me right? A giant fucking robot-"

"-and he left without a word one evening, then came home expecting everything to be fine and dandy-"

"This is utter bullshit!"

"-Obviously it wasn't."

"Okay,so...what the slag does engaged even mean?" Megatron questions. "To put it simply, we were to be married soon-"

"WAIT WHAT?!" Megatron exclaimed. "B-but married-"

"Yes,my lord,it means we were together." You huffed." me."Megatron left looking slightly upset. The bridge was silent say for Soundwave's typing."Y/n-?"

(CANCELED) Swapped (MegatronXAbused!Human!Reader)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now