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I roll between the sheets and lazily open my eyes, discovering Matt near the window, with a cigarette between his lips and his body illuminated by the silver light of the moon.

"You shouldn't smoke in the room."

"I am not smoking in the room. I am smoking out."

"But your naked body is in, ergo, you are smoking in the room."

He puffs and throws the remain of the cigarette out, and then runs under the cover. "You are boring, teacher." A big smile shines on his face, and a loud, smashed kiss follows his words.

I lie on his solid chest and start to pass my finger through his face and playing with his beard. "You can't sleep?"

"Neither can you."

Actually, I was sleeping like a small animal in hibernation, but his absence hasn't passed unnoticed.

My body needs his presence and assurance that what happened was real. And, when I didn't feel his arms around me, and his steady breath near my ear, I panicked, thinking that what I had with him was another delusional fantasy of mine, and that in reality, I was still in my apartment, sleeping alone in my bed. But what concerns me is his lack of sleep, his censored thoughts, and his love for me.

And suddenly, I fear his regret in having sex with me.

I brush his pink lips with my finger, remembering what great pleasure have given to me. "I love your lips."

He scoffs, almost offended by my statement. "Only my lips?"

"Maybe also something else." I tease, hoping to wash away my uncomfortable thoughts.

Taking out his tongue, he starts to torment my finger that is still caressing his lips, and giving soft slaps to my a*s. "Mmmm... I think I fell madly in love with you're a*s."

"I have guessed it this night, after the third time you started to pound in it like a famished lion," I say, indulging in his touch.

"The lion is still very, very famished," he replays, inserting his finger in my entrance, and letting me feel his hardened member. "The pray is still tired?" He asks, displaying concern for me, even though I can sense from the tone of his voice that my answer is useless. So, I decide to answer with actions, moving down and taking his sex in my mouth, composing little circles around his tip with my tongue, sucking the life out of it.

After a few minutes, I hear Matt breathing heavily, and I immediately know that I am feeding him really well. So, I decided to fall in the slump of desire instead of dealing with my fears, giving the man I love roads and roads of pleasure.


After our short intercourse, we fell asleep again. Our bodies are interwoven. My head resting on his chest, and him embracing me firmly.

I am woken up a few hours leter by the strong light that shines through the window. I check the time on my phone and coddle a few more minutes between Matt's arms, before gaining the courage to leave my comfortable and warm nest.

I take a quick shower and order breakfast. Then, I run near the bed, where my beautiful man is still snoring, and I caress his face, whispering his name. "Matt... It's time to wake up."

"Mmmmm..." he rumbles.

"Matt," I call again, shaking his arm.

"It is too soon. Come to bed with me."

I sight and try another method to wake him up.

I start pouring kisses on his lips and neck, shoulders and chest, and I see immediately his response.

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