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"Lucas!" Emily yells throughout the phone, destroying my hearing. "I waited for you all night. I called you dozens of times. Where the fuck were you?"

I bite my lips, suddenly remembering our talk of yesterday and our plans for the night. We had arranged to meet at her house and talk about my broken heart and Matt's wife.

"I am so sorry, Emily," I say mortified. "I forgot our plans."

"I hope you have a good explanation because I really want to murder you at the moment."

I hear her talking, and I am fearing our next meeting. I feel like she is ready to spread lethal venom in my blood and put an end to my life.

I don't want to talk about Matt and me. Not at the phone at least. But I need to give her an explanation if I don't want to make her more upset. So, I explain that Matt came to me yesterday and invited me to dinner and to talk about us.

"I sense that there is something else," she insinuates. "You have to tell me everything."

Of course, I am going to tell her everything and analyzing every second of the last night events. And I know she will be happy for me.

"Tonight?" she asks more excited than annoyed, this time. "You can make up for yesterday and come to my house and have our girls night," she proposes happily.

I bite my lips because I have to say no to her again, but I can't ditch Matt. I need to see him and spend the rest of the day glued to his chest. "Sorry Em, but I have plans with Matt," I whisper, hoping not disappoint her even more.

I know I am an ungrateful friend at the moment, but I feel like I could jump in the sky like a missile and explode if I don't kiss him soon.

"I hate you and your puppy love," she groans.

"It is not a puppy love!" I whine, even though I feel like an extremely happy puppy when I am with Matt or when I think about last night. Especially when I think about last night and remember the things he did to me.

I sigh in content and I feel my cheeks burn when I hear Emily's voice calling my name. "Oh my God, you are shameless. I am here talking to you, and you are spacing out!"

"Sorry," I say with a shy smile on my stupid face. "I can help it. He is amazing."

"I bet he is," she replies slightly annoyed, then hung up on me.

I giggle and write a text to her. Anything can ruin this fabulous day. So, Emily and her disappointed and anger need to wait for a bit longer.

I put down my phone and start to order the papers for the class of this evening, while I wait for the students to arrive and especially for Erik to join me.

I am honestly a bit discouraged about Erik and his progress.

I thought that with help and a little push from Matt and from me he would become more diligent and calm, but I can say there is still a lot of work to do.

There are days where he helps me with the class. He is involved and attentive, but there are also days where I can't talk to him for how much he is mad or disrespectful towards me or everyone else. He starts stupid fights among the other students and tries in every way possible to interrupt me or the others teachers.

I don't want alarm Matt again, so I am trying to resist and giving him another chance because after the second time visiting the police station and with a trial still on, I don't know how his future will work out.

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