Chapter 4

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((( Hello and welcome. Please enjoy my next chapter. Moonlight away - rolls away - )))

Konohamaru P.O.V

I was in the Hokage office talking to Naruto about are previous mission.
" Yes sir. After the mission I talk to some of the villagers of that village and they had told me about the man with a scar on his cheek."

Naruto: I see. Did you find out what he wanted?" I nodded and handed him a paper. " He wanted a rock but not just any rock. I heard it could take you back to the past and future and this man stole it." Naruto put his hands together thinking.

Naruto: Hmm this is very interesting. I wonder what that man is going to do with it but anyway will look out for him." I bow and nodded.
" I will be leave than sir." I walk out and down the hallway.

((( Back to the past ))
Kakashi P.O.V

We we're finally at the Hokage office. I knock of the door, open it.
" Hello Third. These three wanted to talk to you about something."

Mitsuki P.O.V

Hello lord third ah." I turn to the future sixth. " I'm sorry but we need to talk to him alone." The sixth look at the third and the third nodded and he walk out leaving us alone.

Sarada P.O.V

Hello lord third. My name is Sarada Ucuiha And this guy with the blond hair is Boruto Uzumaki, this guy with the blue hair is Mitsuki Oro.
( can't remember his last name )
His face was shock as he look at all of us especially Mitsuki.

Third Hokage

I look at the girl who said she was a Uchiha since the last surviving Uchiha was Sasuke. I look over at the two and name Boruto and Mitsuki. A Uzumaki and a Oro.
The only Uzumaki was Naruto and there where no one with that last name Oro but Orochimaru.

Sarada P.O.V

I know this might sound crazy but we are from the future." He didn't say anything but just stare at us than Boruto started to talk.

Boruto P.O.V

Hay old man are going to say anything?" This guy needed to talk now I didn't care who he is."
The third stood up and walk over to us.

Third Hokage P.O.V

This boy remained me of Naruto which made me smile but he was pretty rude. " If you guys are from the future than who is your parents?"
Sarada: Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha.
Boruto: Naruto and Hinata Uzumaki.
Mitsuki: Orochimaru. Don't know my mom.
I felt a little light headed and sat back down. " This is to mush for a old man like me." I put my hands to the head and took a breath.

Kakashi P.O.V

I walk inside heading to the Hokage desk. I heard anything they had said and was shock. My students had child and Orochimaru had a kid to.
" Yes sir."
Hokage: I know you already heard. We need to send them back to there time." I nodded looking at them.
I walk over to Boruto. " You so mush like your dad. I'm happy he had a family." I look at Sarada.
" You are very beautiful just like your mother." I was about to pat her head and Boruto pulled her back to him. I smirk in my mask knowing he like her from his actions.
Looks at Mitsuk. " Still can't believe your Ocochimaru kid."

Team Seven

Hay Kakashi Sensei are you in here." Naruto yells walking inside the office follow behind him was Sasuke and Sakura.
Sakura: Really Sensei. We been waiting for two hours." Sakura yells. Sasuke says nothing and looks up seeing three teens near Kakashi.
Naruto: Who are those people?" He says pointing at them.
Sakura: Don't point that's rude." She slaps his hand.

Sarada P.O.V

I was blushing as Boruto held me in his arms. I lean back more and smile. It look like he didn't mind one bit.
I watch as the door open as three people walk in and the kid with blond hair was yelling at Kakashi. I got so excited to see my papa and mama and the Hokage. I really wanted to run into there arms but didn't since they wouldn't have know me.

Boruto P.O.V

I watch the kid yell at Kakashi and knew it was my dad from all the pictures. I look a lot like him when I was small. I look at my teacher Sasuke and his wife.
" Wow your dad looks so grumpy Sarada." I say in a whisper and she pinch my arm. " hay that hurts." She smile and stop pinching me.

Mitsuki P.O.V

I found a chair and pulled it out to take a seat and put my feet on the table.
I was pretty bored and pulled out my phone looking at pictures and wonder what if we never get back.
Himawari would get a boyfriend and one day get married. I really did not want that to happen. I wanted to get home soon.

Younger Sasuke P.OV

I watch the blue hair guy putting his feet on the Hokage table and pulling out some strange object from his pocket the other two. The guy was hugging the girl and they were talking about something which I didn't hear.
These people look very suspicious to me and I didn't like it."

Sakura P.O.V

I watch the couple hugging and it look so cute. I wish Sasuke would hug me like that with so mush love.
I love over at him and giggle but of course he didn't look my way but just stare at them. He was looking at the couple. What if he was looking at the girl. She was beautiful and I wouldn't have a change.

Naruto P.O.V

Man I'm bored. I just wanted to train than go on a date with Sakura- chan and eat some Ramen.
" Mmm Ramen." I say to myself now getting hungry. The guy with the blond hair I don't know why but he  kind of look like me but a order version hmm who are these people?"

Sarada P.O.V

I didn't know why but I didn't really feel to good. I felt my eyes getting heavy than the world went black.

Third person P.O.V

Sarada fainted but Boruto quickly pick her up panicking.
SARADA!!! Hay Sarada." Mitsuki got up and ran over to her.
Kakashi and lord third walk over to her. Mitsuki put his hands on her forehand.
Mitsuki: She has a fever and it feels very high. "
Boruto look at Kakashi and lord third.
" We need to get her to the hospital people."

Third Hokage: Alright Kakashi take them to the hospital and we'll talk later about the problem. He nods.
Kakashi: Follow me." He turn to his team. " today take the day off. I'll talk to you guys later ok."
Naruto: Wahhh."
Kakashi: Follow me." They all follow behind Kakashi and head to the hospital.

- Later in the hospital-
Sarada was sleeping in the hospital bed with Boruto holding her hand. Mitsuki was standing beside Kakashi.

Kakashi: She is going to be ok. It's just a mild fever. She will be fine by tomorrow." I watch Boruto hold her hand tighter.

Boruto: Thank goodness. I don't know what I will do. If something happen to her." I kiss her hand.

Kakashi: You must really love her." Boruto nodded still not taking his eyes off her. " Since no one is in these bed you can all spend the night here until we get you guys a place to stay."

Mitsuki: Thank you lord sixth." Kakashi look at him.
Kakashi: What you say. No never mind that. Well I'll see you guys tomorrow." With that he left

Mitsuki P.O.V

I'm going to sleep in that bed make sure you get some rest Boruto." He didn't look up at me and kept staring at her.
" listen she will be fine by tomorrow. She's going to be mad if you didn't get any rest."
Boruto: I know. I'll get some sleep later."

Boruto P.O.V

I know I should get some rest but I just wanted to make sure she would be ok.
Sarada: Papa. Mama." She said sleepily. I got up and lay down beside her pulling her into my arm.
I promise Sarada. I will get us back home to matter what." Holds her tighter. " Don't worry you will see them again believe it."

((( Well what you think hope you all loved it. Please leave a like and comment and I'll see you next time Byeeeeee )))

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