Chapter 17

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((( Hi and welcome to the next chapter. Now please enjoy )))

Unknown Person P.O.V

Yes my plan is working Naruto and Sasuke are getting tried and now weak from worrying about there kids." He laughs and looks at his scroll.

Just a few more days and they would be so tired I could take them out without any problems" He kept laughing like a crazy person not realizing sakura saw him.

Sakura P.O.V

I look up at the building seeing a unknown person laughing and no person would be up there laughing.

Hay you up there! Who are you?" I yelled at him putting my hand on my now 5 mouth tummy. The unknown mask man look down at me with a crazy look, I felt myself shiver.

Unknown person: Great you just had to see me now you have to die" He stood up with a sword and I move back.

Crap I can't use any jutsu" I say in my head knowing if I did. I would hurt my child.
I turn around and quickly took off running heading to Naruto office.

Unknown person: Water style: Dragon tail jutsu." He yells and long water tails come out and I quickly move and it miss me.

Sasuke help." I say in my head.
I kept running as fast as my pregnant self would let me.

Unknown person: Man for a pregnant women your fast." He yells. I could feel my feet giving out.

Come on me faster" I keep running and with my luck saw Naruto at his window with a cup of ramen.

Naruto!!!" I yell and the guy catch up to me and grab my legs making me fall but before I did I wrap my arms around my stomach.

Sakura!!!!" Naruto yells.

Naruto P.O.V

I heard sakura calling me name and saw a unknown man chasing her and jump out the window.
The fucker grab sakura by her legs and she was falling.

I quickly made hand sighs.
" Shaodw clone jutsu" I yell and 10 of my came and two ran to sakura and catch her and the rest went after the man.

You fucker how dare you try to hurt sakura" I got close to the guy and punch him in the face.
He laugh and wipe the blood from his mouth.

Unknown person: damn annoying" He made hand sighs which i didnt know.
I quickly did the sighs for Rasengan and jump up but the guy disseaper but not before I hit his side making something fall.

I pick it up and put it in my pocket and jump down to where my clone was holding Sakura.
Sakura are you ok?" My clone puts her down slowly.

Are you and the baby ok?" I look at her to see if she was hurt anywhere."
Sakura: I'm fine thank you Naruto. If you wasn't here I don't know what would happen."

I smile but turn serious.
Do you know who that man was and why did he try to kill you?"
Sakura: I don't really know why I just ask him who he was."

Sakura: Do you think he is the reason why are kiss are messing?"
I don't know but he drop this scroll maybe we can find out who he is?" She nods.
Sakura for now go to ino house. I know sai should be there tell him what happen and wait for sasuke to come alright I don't know if he would come back for you."

Sakura: But what about the twins?"
I'll send one of my clones and pick them up and take them to you alright"
Sakura: Alright Naruto." She quickly hugs me and smiles. " Be careful " I nod.
Two of my clones with take you to ino's." She nods and my clone picks her up and takes off and the other clone heads to twins school.

Sasuke P.O.V

I open the door to Naruto office.
Hay I'm back did you find any clues?" He look up at me with a serious look.
Whats up?"

Naruto: Sakura was attack today."
What!" I walk over to him.
Where is she? Is she and the baby ok and the twins?"
Naruto: Yeah there all ok. I made it in time and save her"

I relax and hit the desk
Crap I should have been there for her. What if you didn't make it."
Naruto: I know Sasuke but good thing i was."

Now listen today when I attack the guy this scroll fell and look what it says." He hands it to me and I read it.
This is a scroll telling you how to make a time travel rock."

Naruto: Yeah and I think maybe this guy is the reason are kids disappear."
So they could be in the past than" He nods.
Naruto: Do you think you could make a portal and try to get the kids."

I might be able to but I would need to rest or I wouldn't be able to do it.
Naruto: Right sounds good go get your rest and in two days will go get are kids.
Yeah" we fist bump . " Where is sakura and the kids?"

Naruto: They are with ino. I told her to go there since sai can watch her."
I see well I'm going to go get her."
Naruto: Alright "

Uchiha Household.

Hana&Haruto push open the front door and run upstairs laughing.
Sasuke was helping Sakura inside by holding her bridal style.
Sakura: Sasuke I hold you I'm ok"
" Im not taking any changes your heading to bed got it" she pouts

Sakura: Fine but you have to promise me that I'm going with you and Naruto"
Sakura: Don't Sakura me. I'm going no matter what."
Sasuke: The twins?"
Sakura: I'll ask ino. I know she would watch them for me."

But this could be dangerous."
Sakura: I know but I don't care. I want to see my baby" I sigh and sit her on the bed.
Fine but don't do anything stupid" she nods and lays her head down on the pillow and the twins run into the room and get in the covers with her.
I smile and lay down with them.

Hinata P.O.V

The front door open and Naruto walk inside.
Honey" I run over to him and he walks over to me picking me up.
Honey are you ok?"
Naruto: I have some great news. We know where the kids are and are going in two days to get them"

Really honey I'm so happy are baby coming home." He laughs and smiled.
Naruto: Two more days and are family will be complete again. Himawari going to be so happy."
Yes she is now let's get you to bed you need all your strength"

He nods and they head up to bed Himawari was already sleeping in her room hugging her pillow.

((( Hope you all enjoy. Please leave a like and comment. BYEEEE )))

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