chapter 10

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((( Hi and welcome to the next chapter . Hope you all enjoy )))

((( Younger Sakura P.O.V )))

I put the plates down and put the curry on them.
" I hope it's good." I pour the tea and for a dessert.
I put rice cakes down. " I know how mush Sasuke hates sweets. So this should be fine." I heard footsteps down the stairs and Sarada walk in.
" Hi Sarada."
Sarada look up and smiles. " Hi mama Sakura." she looks at me. " Did you make dinner." I nodded happily.
" I hope it's good." She laugh a little and smile.

((( Sarada P.O.V )))

Oh no I remember dad telling me mama really wasn't that good of a cook. When she was young.
" Haha that's great mama. I be right back and ran to Mitsuki room and kick it open.
" Listen I have no time Mama cook so make sure if she ask if it's good you say yes got it." I held my fist out to him and he nodded and I ran to Boruto run and kick it open and he was on his chair and fell back.
" listen to me Mama cook and you better say she's a good cook." He nods and I leave.
Papa Sasuke and Hokage sama should be ok since they have taste her food before.

((( Younger Sakura P.O.V )))

Everyone dinner is ready?" I called out and everyone wall out of there rooms.

Naruto: Mmm smells good Sakura-Chan."

He sat down. " Thank Naruto." Sasuke walk in with a towel over his shoulder and his hair was still wet.
He look so hot. " Sasuke- kun come sit near me and for once he did yeah.
Sarada and boruto walk in than mitsuki.
Well everyone I hope you all enjoy." I took my seat.

((( Third person P.O.V )))

Itadakimasu." They all say and begin to eat. Team konohamau faces didn't look happy but didn't say anything.
Sakura was watching them with hearts in her eyes.

Sakura: So what do you think? Is it good?" They all nodded.

Naruto: Its delicious like always sakura-chan."

Sasuke: Hm."

Sakura: Well I'm glad its good. I'll make sure to make breakfast tomorrow."

Sarada: Mama sakura. I'll make breakfast tomorrow don't worry about it.

Sakura: Oh ok Sarada. I'm excited to taste your food." She pick up the spoon and smile at sasuke.
" Sasuke-Kun open up." He turn all and took a other bite.

Naruto: Sakura- Chan ah." He open his mouth and Sakura hit his head.

Sakura: Yuck no Naruto." Boruto sigh and kept eating. Mitsuki quickly finish his food and pulled his phone out.

Naruto: Hay Mitsuki. What's that think you have in your hands?" He look up.

Mitsuki: Oh this is my cell phone."

Naruto: What does it do? Is it some special ninja tool."

Mitsuki: Its kind of like that. It helps me to contact my friends and family." We all have one."

Naruto: What you to boruto and sarada?" He look at them and they nodded.

Sarada and boruto: Yup.

Sarada: Oh papa Sasuke and mama Sakura want to see some family pictures?"

Sakura: Yes!!" Sarada got up and open her photos. " This is a pic of my baby sister and brother Hana and Haruto." Sarada said.

Sakura: Omg these are my kids! They are so cute right sasuke." She said looking at him.

Sasuke: Hn yes very cute." Sarada than show a picture of her younger with sakura and sasuke.

Sarada: This is what I look like when I was younger and when you guys are older pretty cool huh."

Sakura: Oh my god! I look amazing and my hair is so long."

Sasuke: Hmm I like the sword." This was interesting. Sakura look very beautiful I already knew she was beautiful but wow.

Boruto: Hay dad I also have some pictures of me, mom and Himawari."

Naruto: Really let me see." He show him the picture of Himawari and him together sitting on the couch. " Wow she looks a lot like me but the hair color."

Boruto: Hay here is me, mom together." Naruto jaw drop.

Naruto: Isn't that Hinata?" He nods.

Boruto: Yeah that's my mom." He fell of the chair and everyone look at him.

Mitsuki: You ok Naruto?" He nods and slowly gets up.

Naruto: I can't believe me and Hinata are married and have kids wow."

Sakura: Well is everyone done?" They all nodded and got up.

Sarada: I'll wash the dishes.

Boruto: Oh I'll help too." He got up and grab all the dirty dishes and out them in the sink.

Sakura and Sasuke headed back to there room and Mitsuki grab his rice cake, walk into his room. Naruto jump on the couch and lay down.

((( Boruto P.O.V )))

No lie Sarada but your mom can not cook." I put the soap in the sink and begin to wash the dishes.

Sarada: Hay she might not be good at it now but she a really good cook. When she is older."

I had her the plate and she dry it with the dishrag.
" Yeah true but I'm scared I hope she doesn't cool for us every dinner."

Sarada: She might since I know papa wouldn't want to or your dad and I don't trust mitsuki cooking."

I laugh and handed her a other plate.
" Haha that's true." If I remember dad can't cook but ramen." She giggles.

Sarada: Good thing your mom can cook."

" Yeab and I wonder what the younger  version of her is doing?"

Sarada: Do you mess them?"

"Yeah I miss them a lot even the old man." She pinch my arm.
Ow that hurts." She kept pinching me.

Sarada: Don't talk bad about your dad you know he's a good man."

She stops and looks at me.
Yeah i know." She smiled and we finish. I grab her hand and spin her around to face me.

Sarada: Baka let go of me. What if everyone sees."

She blush and he lean down to look at her face.
And what's so bad about that? You will soon be my girlfriend." Her face turn even more red.

Sarada: Dummy let go."

"Mmm no. I'll let you go for a little kiss." She just stare at me and sigh.

Sarada: Fine one kiss and that's it ok."

I smirk and she got on her tiptoe to kiss me.
Her lips were so soft and taste a like curry. She was about to pull back but I kept her close and deepen the kiss.

Sarada: Mmm." I let her hand go and she wrap them around my neck.

((( Mitsuki P.O.V )))

I was about to walk back in the kitchen but I saw Naruto though the door.
I walk behind him to see Sarada and Boruto making out. I pulled my phone out and took a pic.

Naruto: Shh don't bother them.'' He said and I shrug.
I need to put my dish away."

Naruto: Do that later." I shake my head and walk inside and Naruto fell trying to grab me and Sarada and Boruto jump apart.

Nice show you gave us." Sarada turn even more red and walk out the kitchen headed to her room.

Boruto: Really!" I nod.

" Yup. Beside I would have been quite but your dad fell making the noise." I put the dish down.

Naruto: Hay I was trying to stop him." He yelled and I cover my ears.

" Man he's loud well I'm going to bed now night." I walk back to my room and jump on the bed and wonder how  Himawari was doing. " I miss you a lot."

((( Well that's the chapter see you next time BYEEEEE. )))

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