Chapter 2

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((( Hi everyone. Welcome to a new chapter. Now please enjoy
Moonlight out. - jumps into a rabbit hole- Ahhh I can't it out of here )))

Sarada P.O.V

I was leaning against the tree waiting for my teammates.
" Where are those two? They are so late!" I pulled out the shuriken throwing it at the leaf that was falling down form the tree.
I hit the target smirk.
" Ha in the best."
SARADA!!" I turn around hearing Boruto running to me waving his hand.

Boruto P.O.V

I walk over to Sarada smiling. She look nice today well she always dose but still.
" Sorry I'm late and here." I pulled out a green apple lollipop handing it to her.

Sarada: Thanks." She grab the lollipop opening it and putting it in her mouth. " Mmm yummy."
I got lots more for later." Her eyes look like they were shining since she loved lollipops.

Mitsuki P.O.V

I was sitting on the tree branch watching Sarada and Boruto taking some pictures for Himawari since she's been wanting them to get together for a long time.

Hay I'm sending you the pictures right now." -Sends-
Himawari - Aw so cute. I love them so mush." She giggle sending him a message. " Thank you Mitsuki ❤ now don't forget to get these moments." -Sends-
Beep Beep - Don't worry I won't forget. I'll would do anything to make you happy." I send it with a blushing face.
Himawari: Beep Beep - she could feel her face burning up, let out a giggle. " Hee Hee your so sweet." Her teacher walk in. " Ah sorry I'll text you later at lunch Bye 🤗" - Sends-
I put my phone away, jump down behind Sarada. I put my finger to my mush telling Boruto to be quiet. He nodded and I poke her side.

Sarada P.O.V

I quickly pulled out a Kumai putting it against Mitsuki neck. He was holding his hands out.
" Really how many times have I told you about doing that." I hold it closer to him.

Mitsuki: Ok ok. I'm sorry just don't kill me." He begs and Boruto was laughing in the background.
I put my kunai back into my pouch.
" Now how about we get this Training started."

Boruto & Mitsuki: Right." They both say getting ready to train.
I pulled out my black gloves putting them on. " Mmm this is going to be fun." I say fixing my glasses and getting ready.

Unknown person P.O.V

I watch as the three teenagers fight against each other but I knew they were not just any teenagers but the Hokage son, the Uchiha Princess and that snake Orochimaru son.
I smirk watching them with these three gone my plan will be perfect.
" I can finally take over this village." The man took out a yellow rock throwing it on the grass.
" Haha hope you guys." He made hand sighs and the rock started to shine.
" Time to go now." He disappear.

Third person P.O.V

Boruto Sarada and Mitsuki were sitting down against the tree out of breath. In there hands they each had a water bottle.

Sarada: That was a good training session guys." She says laughing, drinking the water.
Boruto push his hair back.

Boruto: Yeah that was but did you have to kick me in the stomach Mitsuki?" He ask him and Mitsuki finish the water.

Mitsuki: It was just a kick your alive aren't you. Now don't act like a baby." Boruto flick his forehead and next thing you know it.
They were now both fighting each other.

Sarada: Really you two! You guys always do this after we train." She hit the both of them in the heads making them fall back.

Boruto: Ow Sarada. That hurts so mush." He wines.

Mitsuki: I must agree with him. That really did hurt. Whenever we train you always get even stronger."

Boruto: God we are going to die from her hits sooner or later."

Mitsuki: Yes we are."

Sarada: Oh shut up you too." She rolled her eyes drinking the rest of her water.
" Hay I'll be back."

Mitsuki: Where you going?"

Boruto: Yeah!"

Sarada: Lady business." Boruto blush and Mitsuki nodded.
After about ten Minutes Sarada came back with a bag of snacks. " sorry I took so long. I went to the store."

Boruto: Cool. What did you get me?" She handed him a cheeseburger and a bag of chips with a soda. " Wow thank you. itadakimasu." He laugh and begin to eat.

Sarada: Here you go Mitsuki." She handed him two huge rice balls and a bag of chips with lemon green tea.

Mitsuki: Thank you. These are my favorite you are a great friend." itadakimasu" and begin to eat.
Sarada sat between Boruto and Mitsuki. " itadakimasu." She took a bite of her rice ball and a drink of her lemon cherry lemonade.
They we're all just making small talk as they were eating. After about fifteen minutes they we're all finish with there food.
Sarada hold out the bag and they all put there trash inside.
" be right back." She said getting up and running over to the trash can. After she throw it away in the corner of her eye. She could see something shining.

Sarada: Hmm what is that?" She walk over to it and lean down picking it up.
Boruto, Mitsuki walk over to her since she took so long.

Boruto: Is everything alright?" He look over her shoulder. " Man that's bright."
Mitsuki walk over to her side.

Mitsuki: Wow that is bright." That feels like it could make you go blind." Just than the rock shine brighter making Sarada jump it. They all cover there eyes and they all disappear.

((( Hi Hi everyone hope you all enjoy. Please leave a like and comment. I'll see you in the next chapter. - Moonlight out. - Realizes I'm still stuck in the rabbit hole.- Well hopefully I get out of here soon now BYEEEEEEEE )))

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