Chapter 21

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((( Hi and welcome to the next chapter. Sorry its been a long time since i updated but i wanted to thank everyone who has been reading this since i started the story. )))

Night time at the inn. In the guys room.
Thrid person.

Everyone was sitting on the floor in a circle but Sasuke and Mitsuki were just laying down instead of sitting.
" Come on you guys will you just sit up?" Sakura ask.
Sasuke sigh and slowly sat up so did Mitsuki.
" Now should we play the game?" Sarada ask happily.

Yeah let's play!!" Naruto yelled.
Okay okay clam down dad." Boruto said and Naruto did a little.
I'll go first." Sakura said.
Okay Sakura-Chan. Truth or Dare?" Naruto said.
" Hmm I'll start with truth."

Okay is it true you like me?" He grin and Sasuke look up from whatever he was doing.
She laugh. " i do." Eveyone gasp and Naruto almost jump to her. " i like you as a friend." Everyone burst out laughing Naruto sigh and put his head down, Sasuke look relieved.

Okay Naruto truth or dare?" Sakura ask.
" i will go with dare."
" I dare you to go a day without ramen."
WHAT!!! Sakura-Chan please." She giggle.
" To bad you have to go though with the dare or are you a chicken?" She said.
No Naruto Uzumaki is the strongest person ever. I can do it."
Yeah you can do it dad." Boruto yelled.
Everyone laugh but Sasuke didnt.
Ok now its Teme turn."
I'll do it." Sarada said.

Papa truth or dare?" She ask.
He sigh.
" i don't really care you pick." He said and Sarada smile grow.
" Ok papa will i dare you to kiss mama right on the lips."

What!!" Sakura yelled as she put her hands to her cheeks as she blush.
Sarada isn't that a little to far?" Boruto ask.
" Haha nope."
'' I can't wait to see this." Mitsuki said holding his phone up and ready to take a picture.
" That is not going to happen." Sasuke said.
" Yeah for once i agree with him." Naruto said.

Sarada smirk.
" You aren't chicken are you papa. The great Uchiha is scared of kissing a girl.''
Sasuke face turn a bright red from anger.
Fine!" He yelled and turn to face Sakura.
She gasp. " Sasuke-Kun are you really going to kiss me?"
He sigh.

Shut up."
Do it teacher'' Boruto cheer.
Go papa." Sarada laugh and Mitsuki to couldn't control his laughter.
Naruto on the other hand was on the floor crying as he cover his eyes and he whisper. " why it couldn't been him and not teme."

Sakura look into Sasuke eyes, smile.
" i can't believe my first kiss is going to be Sasuke- Kun. I could just die right now."
Hurry up." Yelled Boruto.
Mitsuki had a creepy smile as his hands stretch out like snakes as he push Sasuke and Sakura heads together and they both kiss.

Sakura gasp and Sasuke try to pull back but Mitsuki was to strong.
After about 3 minutes he put his hands down and Sakura fainted.
Why you." Sasuke yelled as he pulled out a kunai.

Mitsuki throw a pillow at him and quickly jump out the window.
" Get back here." Sasuke yelled as he to jump out.
Wait for me!" Naruto yelled as he jumo out the window and leaving Sarada, Boruto and a pass out sakura.

Haha wow didn't expect that to happen.'' Sarada said.
You and me." Boruto said and turn to look at Sarada mom.
Do you think she will be okay?" He ask
Sarada nods. " Yeah she just pass out from all the excitement and of course because she kiss papa."
Haha i don't think your dad was happy about that dare'' Sarada laugh. '' Haha i know but it was still cute.'' she said.
'' I guess.'' Boruto yawn and put his hands up in the air. sarada saw what he was about to do and she just smile.
He put his arm around sarada shoulder his face was a little red.
'' Haha really?'' she laugh.

'' What?'' He ask smiling that big grin.
'' That is such a old move you know that right?'' He just laugh and kiss her forehead. '' You know you should have dare me to kiss you.''
she roll her eyes. '' Yeah i don't think i would want my papa to hurt you.''
'' Oh come on. i don't think he will beside he still is just a kid i could handle him.'' she roll her eyes again. '' Maybe next time.''
He just smirk and put his hand under her chin. '' How about me just have that kiss right now no one is here is just you and me.''
'' Dummy my Mama is still here.'' Boruto look at a pass out sakura.

'' Don't worry she is still knock out, i don't think she will wake up anytime soon.'' He lean down and put his lips against hers. she sigh and wrap her arms around his neck, they both started to kiss.
At first the kiss was just sweet than boruto push his tongue into Sarada mouth which surpise her and she gasp but she did the same thing.
both there tongues play together as they kiss. next thing Sarada was on her back with Boruto on top of her.
He move his hand under her shirt she gasp and move her mouth away from his.
'' W..what are you doing?'' Her face was red from all the kisses her lips were red as well.

'' Sorry i guess i got to into it.'' He laugh and move his hand away. Sarada grab his hand. '' I understand you would want to do that kind of stuff but i don't think its the right time since we just started dating and.'' He look at her.
'' And what?'' he ask
'' Mama is right there.'' Just than Boruto heard cracking noise, he slowly look up to see a unhappy Sakura looking at him.
'' Boruto im going to ask you this once so you better answer correctly.'' He Swallowed his spit slowly, quickly got off Sarada and sat on his knees.
Sarada fix her shirt and didn't look at her.
'' What we're you doing with my future daugther Boruto.'' She kept cracking her knocuckles.

'' Me and her were just kissing nothing else.'' i promise.''
She didn't beileve him. '' Than why did i see her shirt up hmm?''
'' It just went up when we we're kissing really Mama nothing happen.'' Sakura look at Sarada.
she relax. '' Alright if you say so than i beileve you.'' she yawn.
'' Well lets go to bed now Mama we have a big day tomorrow.'' Sarada got up and walk over to her, grab her hand.
'' Thats true. well good night Boruto see you in the morning.'' she said as Sarada pulled Sakura out.

Boruto say and lay down. '' Man that was a close one.'' He raise his hand up in the air. '' today was still a good day.'' He crawl over to his Futon and lay his head on his pillow.
In the distance you can still hear naruto yelling at sasuke and you can hear mitsuki laughing his ass off. Kakashi was sitting in a tree reading a book and sigh listening to them.

( Next day ) Everyone was outside ready to start there mission but Naruto and Mitsuki look tried even Sasuke did as well. Sakura and Sarada, Boruto were well rested.
'' Haha dad you look like crap.'' Boruto said laughing his butt off naruto yawned. '' Whatever i know i do.''he said.
Sasuke-kun are you feeling okay?'' sakura ask all cute like. He sigh and yawn. '' Yes im fine just a little tried.'' he said and close his eyes. '' Next time you should go to bed and not chase after mitsuki.'' He nodded.

Kakashi walk out from the inn and wave. '' Okay im be putting you guys together in teams of two.''
'' I want to be with sakura-chan.'' yelled naruto.
kakashi laugh. '' First team will be Naruto and Boruto and you guys go to the west side''
What!' they both yell.

( Haha sorry had to stop there. see you in the next chapter and im sorry i don't update more my job is really trieding and my hours are werid and im also going to the gym trying to get in shape but im trying to update and thank you all for reading )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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