Memories - Mileven

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You choose age. 


Eleven was walking around the house bored out of her mind. Mike was at school, Karen was at work, Holly was in daycare, and Nancy was also in school. So she didn't have anything to do.

She went to Mikes bedroom and began to look around. She noticed a picture hung up of him and her together. But the picture wasn't just them smiling, Eleven and him were kissing each other on the lips in a park with trees around them with flowers blooming.

She had one arm around his neck and the other was holding mikes hand down next to them. Mike was pushing her down a bit so she was leaning back.

She smiles remembering that day. They both found out that Jonathon went and spied on the two.


Mike and Eleven were holding hands walking down the park through the beautiful trees. They stop right in front of a bench and they both turn to face each other.

"How do you like it here?"  Mike asks her. "It's beautiful Mike." eleven responds. She looks back at mike and he locks his right hand with her left and he holds it down. 

He then puts one arm around her waist and she puts one arm around his neck. 

Eleven leans in first and kisses him. Mike kisses back almost immediately. their lips move together in a steady rhythm. 

That's when suddenly they sense something bright hitting the side of their faces. They pull away turning to the left to see the one and only Jonathon Byers holding his camera and waving a picture in his right hand. 

Mike and Eleven begin to laugh and they walk over to him. "can I see the picture?" eleven asks. Jonathon nods his head and hands the picture to Eleven. She looks down and studies the picture.

Mike looks at Jonathon and smiles.


Eleven didn't notice she was crying at the memory. She was so happy with Mike, happier than she ever thought she would be. She was so lost in the memory that she didn't notice Mike was behind her. 

When Mike came home he called out for Eleven, but he got no response. He went upstairs and looked in every room but he couldn't find her. he finally got to his room and there he saw and heard Eleven crying. 

"El?" he asked. "Are you okay what's the matter?" Eleven turns around and is now face to face with Mike. He looks confused but then notices that's she's smiling which makes him even more confused. 

"The picture Mike" She points to the picture and Mike looks in the direction of it. He smiles and then looks back at her. "I'm so happy mike I can't explain it it's like i feel more than happy." She walks towards him and he does the same. 

 He leans in a gives her a peck on the lips. "Hey don't cry" Mike says as he strokes her cheek with his thumb. 

"I'm happy too and always will be as long as your in my life." Eleven smiles at him. Tears are no longer streaming down her face. 

"I love you Mike" 

"I love you too El" 


Short I know but its cute and kind of sad. well hope you enjoyed. 

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