Studying - Fillie

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So okay maybe this book won't be on hiatus because I actually enjoy writing this and I've been having a lot of ideas lately. I hope you like this because I do.
one more thing they are dating in this


"I don't know Sadie the test is tomorrow and I really have to-" Millie was cut off and let out a shriek as she was lifted into the air. She turned around and saw her loving boyfriend Finn Wolfhard. 

He leaned against the locker next to hers and she leaned up against him. "Take those stupid things off" She said as she hit him lightly in the chest. Finn let out a chuckle and removed his black shades. 

"Hey beautiful" he let out a breath as she turned to the side to get to her locker. Millie ignored him and turned to Sadie. "I'll catch up with you in a bit okay" Sadie nodded her head and left the two alone. 

Millie began grabbing her books and putting them in her backpack. "Heyyyy don't ignore me" Finn whined. He turned her to look at him and rubbed his hand up and down her arm smoothly.

"How about you and me go on a date tonight just the two of us no friends whatsoever." Finn requested. "No Finn I can't tonight I have to study for a test." Millie said. "Please" Letting the 'e' get dragged out a bit 

"Finn I have to study i'm not kidding" Millie said her british accent really coming out. "then we can find a nice quiet place in the park" Finn once again recommended. 

 "Finn no I have to stay home and study this is a big test and I already have a bad grade in Mrs. Wheelers class if i fail this then I won't be able to pass the semester." Finn let out a groan and put his arm around her shoulder as they began to walk to the class they had together.


After school Finn decided to give it one last shot. He caught up with Millie after the bell rang. He ran up to her and hugged her from behind giving her a peck on the cheek and she let out a small giggle. "okay what do you want" millie says as she turns to look at him.

"am i not allowed to show my girlfriend affection?" he pulled her behind the building and gave her his pleading eyes. "can we please go to the park just the two of us i'll help you study" Millie began to consider it and she knows she can't resist his little puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine but we're doing this to study got it" Finn nodded and gave her a peck on the lips before walking her home. 

As they reached Millie's doorstep she turned around to give Finn one last hug before beginning to walk to her door. But before she could reach her doorstep he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. 

"Hey hey why are you so quick to leave me" He placed his arms on her waist and gave her a pout. "Because I have to study Finn I don't want to waste time" Finn leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips letting it linger longer than it should have. 

"I'll pick you up at 6:30?" Finn asked, "Yea sure i'll see you later Wolfhard" he gave her a hug then let her go. 


"Mum I'm home" Millie said as she walked into her house. "Hey Millie how was school?" her mother asked holding a broom in her left hand. "It was great, by the way, me and Finn want to go to the park at 6:30 to study is that okay?" Millie asked. "Of course its okay as long as you study" Millie nodded and went upstairs to begin some studying. 

Finn walked into his house and yelled for his dad. "Dad.. I'm home" he didn't get a response so he goes and checks the kitchen but he's not there and he's not in the living room either. "where is he" Finn mumbled to himself.

He went upstairs and checked in his dads bedroom and saw that he was fast asleep. Finn chuckled a bit and went to wake him up. he shook his shoulder and his dad woke up almost immediately. 

'Wha- what who's there" Finn smiled and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Dad dad its just me" Finns dad let out a relieving sigh. "Oh Finn its just you when did you get home?" his dad asked.

"Just right now" his dad nodded and began to make a conversation with him about school and how Millie is and to that of course he blushed. As there conversation was coming to an end Finn asked his dad a question. 

"Hey is it okay for me and Millie to go to the park and study well I need to help her study" Finn's dad let out a laugh and patted him on the back. "Sure kid"


It was now 6:15 and Finn was in his car ready to pick up Millie. As he stopped in front of her house he took out his phone ad texted that he was in front. She walked out of her front door looking as gorgeous as ever in Finns eyes. 

"Hey" Millie said as she hopped into the car. "Hey babe" he leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips and she began to pull away after a few seconds but Finn took a hold of her neck and pushed her back in, she would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying it. 

She broke away from the kiss and put her hands on Finns chest. "Okay okay that's enough come one lets go" Finn smiled and started the car so they could leave. 

The park wasn't too far away only about 10 minutes. They found a nice quiet place to park and went outside to sit on the grass. Finn put a blanket on the floor so she wouldn't get dirty. 

"Okay lets start" Millie said as she handed Finn the flashcards that she made while she was at home. Finn sighed and looked through the thick pack of little papers.

"uh okay first question: The following is not true about sacred space" Millie shut her eyes in a way of trying to remember. "Oh It needs to be territorially defined" Millie answered and Finn nodded


(30 mins later)

"In the hindu cosmogony, who is the supreme spiritual source and sustainer of the universe?" Finn asked. "Uh God?" Finn turned over the card, "Oh its brahman" Finn began to lean in just to tease her for getting it wrong. 

"No no no Finn" but neither could she help it so she leaned in the rest of the way until there was no more space between them. He kissed her like there was no tomorrow and before he could make another move she pushed him back. 

"Okay okay Finn I'm gonna go I'm gonna go" She got up and packed her cards and began going to the car. "its been great but you keep distracting me" She got to the head of the car and leaned against it. 

Finn ran up to her and stood in front of her. "oh come on Mills" Millie shook her head and grabbed his hand and shook it in a way of saying thank you. Finn gave a laugh as his hands traveled to her waist. 

"You're hands are on my waist" she said as she looked up at him. "They are on your waist." Finn the brought a hand up to her cheek and placed it behind her ear. He then leaned in and kissed her which caused her to smile. 

She began to open her mouth as he does the same. She then tried to lift herself onto the car but wasn't able to do it with Finn kissing her. 

"I-I can't get on-" she mumbled against his lips. His hands went to her waist and lifted her so that he was in between her legs and began to lay her down on top if the car causing the car alarm to go off. 





Welp it got a little spicy there at the end I hope it wasn't too much if it was tell me please. Oh and this book won't be on hold just saying if you didn't read the authors note above. 
Okay well I love you all and I won't be updating next week because I'm gonna be preparing for thanksgiving. 


p.s: I want chick-fil-a


okay bye

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