Just like this - mileven

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So this is an AU where eleven does not have powers and everything that was in season and all that shit didn't happen. So i hope you guys can enjoy and lets see if you can catch some references ;)


Mike was in a diner just sitting there, no one in front of him or next to him just sitting by himself enjoying the quietness around him. The diner wasn't full maybe about 3 couples total it was small too.

Lately he's been reading books of old all the legends and the myths, Hercules and his gifts batman and his fist. But that isn't what he wants, he's been thinking of getting in a relationship, he just wants someone who understands him and is willing to listen to him. 

He wants someone he can turn to somebody he can miss, but in his mind that isn't likely.

he walked out of the diner not paying attention to any of the couples around him and left. Maybe he was jealous because he wanted something like that. But not the cliché kind of couple or all that shit. Just a certain someone.. that he hasn't found -yet.


Jane was walking down the street thinking about the fight she had with her now ex boyfriend. What if it was just a mistake? yeah what if it wasn't on purpose. "I didn't even give him a chance to explain -but then again i know what i saw" she mumbled to herself quietly. 

she let out a sigh and kept walking, she looked up at the sky just watching the stars and the moon. During that exact moment a star came zooming across the sky and she quickly made a wish even though knowing it won't come true, it's still worth a shot.

Give me someone i can turn to, someone i can kiss

Oh how badly she wants something like that. She sighed in the cold night air and kept walking until she reached her house. Her dad was out like always. I mean he is the chief so i guess that's an exception. she climbed into her bed the moment she entered her room.

as she layed her head on the pillow she thought back to the fight.


"I know what i saw James! Somewhere along the lines we stopped seeing eye to eye you were staying out all night and i had enough!"

James tried to reach for her but she slapped his arms away as well as pushing him away. "Jane let me explain-" he was cut off by her putting her finger up. "No i don't wanna know where you been or where your going but i know i won't be home and you'll be on your own"

and with that she left him standing there. Who's gonna walk him through the dark side of the morning, or who's gonna rock him when the sun won't let him sleep, who's gonna wake up to drive him home when's he's drunk and all alone.

"It ain't me" she muttered to herself

Jane shook the thought of her head and fell asleep wanting it to be peaceful like it is in those cartoons with a smile on their face. But sadly that isn't what happened. 

1 month later

So yes Micheal Wheeler and Jane Hopper were looking for someone to love not someone to get with for a month and then leave. 

Both were currently walking down the road completely oblivious to each others presence. Sudden;y they bumped head and the both fell backwards. Jane winced in pain as she put a hand on her head rubbing it on the spot that was injured. 

She looked up to see a boy whom she bumped head with. He had black curly locks and a few of lovely freckles on his face. He was... pretty.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't see you there" Jane got so lost in his eyes she didn't notice him getting up and reaching his hand out to help her. She finally snapped out of it and reached out her hand to grab his. 

The moment their hands touched they felt sparks run through their bodies. She stood and wiped her bottom and legs with her hands. "Thank you and its okay I wasn't looking where i was going either" 

He let out a chuckle and looked into her eyes and noticed that she was looking into his too. Maybe she's the one. Now he isn't one to just assume things but just by looking into her eyes he can see a little spark. 

He gave her a smile and she blushed looking down. Suddenly he grabbed her hand and began running. She was shocked by his actions but went along with him. Surely he won't bring her anywhere dangerous, right? 

After a few minutes of running they ended up on top of a hill. One where you can look down and see every light of the city even far from that you can see hills and mountains that are on the other side of town. 

She smiles admiring the wonderful view in front of her then feeling a nice breeze along her skin giving her a bit of goosebumps but the good kind.. if that's a thing. 

"Do you like it?" Mike asked. Although she was still not aware of his name she looked and smiled at him. "oh i love it it's absolutely stunning up here I can't believe I've never been up here before." 

He gave her a smile and walked a little closer to her. she looked up at him and noticed more of his features. He didn't just have a few freckles on his face but many and she adored them. He was tall too, not a buff person but he that kind that looked warm and comforting. 

She got the courage to just walk up to him and wrap her arms around his waist. His cheeks flushed and hugged her back. Jane looked up at him and smiled. Then suddenly he started leaning in and she noticed she was as well.

She just couldn't resist it. And as soon as their lips touched they felt not just sparks but almost like fireworks just bursting everywhere throughout her body and her heart, well that was about to pump out of her chest with how hard and fast it was beating. 

Both of his hands went to her face and began tilting his head to deepen the kiss a little. Her arms left his waist and went around his neck. 

Mike was the first to pull away and put his thumb right under her chin while his other went back to wrap around her waist. She looked at him with love and adoration in her eyes. 

Mike gave her one more peck on the lips before letting her go. 

""So uh what's your name?" Jane asked. Mike laughed a little at her question noticing that they didn't even know each others names and they already kissed. "My names mike short for Micheal" he pointed out.

"What about you?" he repeated after her. "Jane. Jane hopper" Mike nodded and smiled her. They sat down on the grass and began to chat on whatever was on their minds. They've only known each other for about 30 minutes but it feels like they've been best friends forever. Because it felt as if they could tell each other anything.

"You know I've been reading books of old, the legends and the myths, Achilles and his gold, Hercules and his gifts, Spiderman's control, and Batman with his fists  and all that shit. but i wanna go somewhere and be happy with the one i love, you know something just like this"

"well where do you wanna go, how much do you wanna risk I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gift, or some superhero, some fairy tale bliss. just somebody i can turn to somebody i can kiss, i want something just like this."

"Then lets have something just like this"


:) cute

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