Broken Bones - Mileven

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Mike: 15
Eleven: 14

Eleven was at home bored out of her mind while mike was at school. That's around 8 hours without mike and it makes her sad that she has nothing to do.

Suddenly her stomach growls signaling that she's hungry. She walks down the stairs from mikes room to make a herself a simple sandwich. She remembers the day mike taught her how to make one.

"Hey El come here!" eleven gets up from where she was sitting and walks over to mike.

"Yes mike" he puts his hand out for her to take which she obliges instantly, she enjoys holding his hand.

"I wanna teach you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich" he says as he takes out the bread from the cupboard and the jelly and the peanut butter from the fridge.

He opens it and take out for pieces of bread. "Here two for you and two for me" eleven watches carefully as he does everything wanting to learn how to do it perfectly.

"Okay so once you have your bread open the two jars and always spread the peanut butter first which is this one" he lifts the peanut butter jar to show her specifically.

"How do you put it on the bread mike?" El asks. "You can use either a knife or a spoon usually its a knife"

Mike takes two knives out from the utensils drawer and hand one to eleven. "Ok lets do this"

A Few minutes later they are both eating their sandwiches they made together.

End of flashback

Eleven begins to follow the steps that she remembers from mike. She suddenly feels cold and goes up the stairs to get a jacket. Mikes jacket to be precise.

She puts on his jacket and trots down the stairs but slips on one of the last steps and its way to fast for her to save herself.

She cries out in pain as she hits the floor hearing a loud crack along the way. She looks to where the crack came from and noticed her leg can't stretch its self.

It looks normal but her leg won't budge its almost like its stuck there.

She yells out in pain as she tries to fix it herself. She then lies there on the floor unsure of what to do.


Mike comes home 2 hours later and calls out for his girlfriend not aware that she's on the floor in front of him.

"I'm right here mike" she says as she waves her hand. "Oh hey El what are you doing on the floor?" he reaches his hand out to pull her up but she lets out a yelp in pain.

"Are you okay?" eleven shakes her head. "I don't know what's wrong my leg won't stretch." mike puts his arms under the crook if her knees and one on her back lifting her onto the couch.

He isn't a doctor but he has seen something like this happen to someone. "How did this happen?" mike asks.

"I was coming back downstairs and then I slipped on one of the steps and here I am" mike suddenly has a feeling of what happened.

"Ok El in gonna try something tell me if it hurts" eleven nods her head. She presses his fingers onto her ankle and makes his way up. "ow mike right there it hurts"

He then presses his fingers against her knee causing her to cry in pain. "OW! Mike what are our doing?!" mike removes his hand and looks at her.

"El calm down I'm trying to see if its broken or not" El makes a confused face at that.

"Broken? Why should my leg be broken?" she asks. "Its not that El your bones are very fragile so it can be easy to break them or fracture them if you do something wrong to it"

He then puts her wrist in his hand as an example. "Here the bone on your wrist is pretty fragile it can break easily and you have a small wrist so its eased to break or fracture."

"Mike what's a fracture?" El wonders. "A fracture is when there is a crack in your bone it can be big or small and it usually takes around 2 months to heal."

Eleven nods her head understandingly. "And what's wrong with me mike?"

"I don't know El im not a doctor but we can take you to one when my mom gets home." he assures her. For now they both decide to take a nice nap.


By this time El was in the x-ray room. Mike wasn't able to go in but Karen was. They took pictures of her leg and put them on the computer screen so Karen could see.

"El honey you have a broken bone and its a little out of place they are gonna give you something called a cast. It goes on your leg to keep it stiff and to protects it from getting hurt again just until it heals"

Eleven nods her head understanding her words.

They bring El to a room and apply the cast. It took around 20 mins but it was making her feel better. The doctor then hands her a pair of crutches.

"You can start walking on it in 3 weeks okay." the doctors says. "Okay thank you."

"Karen what are these" she hold out the crutches for her. "Here I will shoe you how to use them" Karen takes the crutches and demonstrates carefully.

"Do you understand?" she asks as she hand eleven her crutches. "Mhm thanks"

Eleven hops off the table and begins to hop around in her crutches out to where mike is waiting to know what happened. He looks us to see her but in a cast and a pair of stupid sticks.

"So... what happened did she fracture it ot break it?" Karen lets out a sigh and rubs her forehead. "She broke it the bone is a little out of place I have x-rays i will show you at home"

Mike walks towards eleven and gives her a small kiss on her cheek the to her forehead causing her to let out a small giggle and a smile. He puts one arm around his back to hold her still and takes the crutches from her arms.

"Mike what are you doing I need those" eleven tries to reach out for them but hands them to his mom. She starts walking ahead and then while she is trying to hop on one foot he lifts her up in a bridal style way.

It caused eleven to let put a giggle. They walked out of the hospital and towards the car. Mike put her gently in the back seat and climbed with her.

"I love you so much im so glad you're okay" he places a hand on her cheek and gives her a peck on the lips slowly pulling away letting it linger.

"Maybe I should break a bone more often" El smiles. Mile lets out a chuckle. "No no El its not a good thing stay healthy and strong" he keeps the smile on his face that El just adores.

"I love you mike"

"I love you too"


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