Live stream - Fillie

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Millie: 15 years old
Finn: 17 years old
they ARE dating in this one


Millie was in her trailer reading a book, it was one of her favorites. She continued reading till she heard a know on the door. 

"Come in" she said not paying attention to who it was. "Hey" the person said. She looked up immediately knowing who it was. 

"Hey Finn" he walks over to her bed and leans down to give her a peck on the lips. They pull back and Finn goes behind her to hug her from behind. 

"What are you reading?" he asks. "to kill a mocking bird" Millie responds. "oh I love that book I've read it like twice I think." 

Finn moved a her hair to the side so he had access to her neck. He leaned down to give her little peck on her neck. 

Millie stopped reading and moved her head to the side to give him better access. He trailed his kisses tot the side of her neck where he ultimately began sucking.  

"Babe" Millie says. "mhm" finn says continuing to suck on her neck. "You're gonna leave a mark." Finns lips leave her neck and he lifts her to turn her around. 

"You're still as light as a feather" Finn says chuckling a bit. Millie giggled at his comment.  "Do you wanna go live I haven't gone live in a while" Finn gives her an approving look and nods his head. 

"Does that mean I have to leave?" Finn questions. Millie lifts her head up a bit as in a way of thinking. "No you don't have to and you can come in the live stream anytime just don't do anything" 

Millie got her phone out and went on instagram to go live. The live began counting down from 5 and Finn was giving her kisses all over her face. "Finn go now stop" She said as she pushes him lightly.

He gave her one last peck on the lips right at the last second and ran to the other side of the room. 

People began showing a few seconds later. "Hey guys" Millie says into the stream. "I'll just wait for the viewers to go up a bit" she looks at the number of views in the corner of the screen.

"Wait Finn can you pass my sweater it cold" Finn gets up to go to her closet but then stops walking. He turns to millie and smirks at her. "what..." millie questions.

Finn removes his own sweater and throws it at millie. She takes the sweater and puts in on. Comments begin to flow on the screen asking if that's finn's sweater.

"before it gets crazy... no fillie isn't real, yes finn is in here." After 30 minutes of the live stream finn decided tl come in. "hey guys" finn says. people on the live begin to say hi back lr comment "FILLIE"

"lets do a Q & A" millie suggests. 


an hour later they decided it was time to end the live stream. "bye guys we'll go live again soon." they ended the live stream there... or so they thought.

"so now we can have time to ourselves" millie laughed and nodded. she threw her phone across the bed but the camera was still facing them somehow. Finn leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips bit he didn't stop there. 

he placed himself in between her legs and her legs wrapped around him. Millie leaned up first and placed her lips on his. they still were not aware that the live stream was still on.

By this time they were making out. finn had his arms around her waist and hers were around his neck. they pulled away to take a breather. but finn didn't stop there he trailed his kisses to her jaw down to her neck. Millie looked to her right and saw the live stream still on. 

"uh finn..." millie says as he removes his face from her neck. he looks at her but his face turn to a concerned one as there are tears prickling in her eyes.

"hey what's the matter" he asks. "the live stream... its still on" finn looks to the right and sees her phone still on with the livestream in front. his eyes widen as he quickly snatches the phone and ends the live stream. 

"we can't do anything about that" millie knew that there's was nothing they could do. they only thing they can do is wait to see what happens.



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