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So you can skip this if you want i know a lot of writers do this and I don't like doing it but ima do it anyways ok. Ok. Good that's settled. Anyways so I'm gonna ask some questions and if you want to answer them you can its your choice but like I said im curious.

1. What kind of one shot do you wanna read

2. Do you guys like my stories

3. Is there anything you want me to improve on

4. Do you guys want a face reveal

5. Do you want facts about me

6. What's a piece if advice you can give me for my writing

7. Do you want my ig (main or fan)

8. Do you want to be friends (I don't bite don't worry... Sometimes)

9. What's one of your favorite stories of mine that you've read UN this book

10. Does anyone wanna do a collab

There ya have it. Just let me know and also i will be updating ASAP im sorry if im updating really slow especially on daughter of the president because I got my phone taken away and also I have bad grades so I really have to work on that. I love you all and thank you for the support I really appreciate it!

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