Finn? - fillie

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This is a little different that the usual Fillie stories I write. In this one shot Finn and Millie are siblings. There is no romantic relationship between them. Millie is 14 while Finn is 16. I hope you guys like this one shot because it made me sad. 

This is gonna be shorter than usual and I apologize for that. 


"Finn I need you to stay here and watch over Millie because I have to take the night shift at work today!" His mom yelled. Finn threw is head back in annoyance, he had plans to go out with his friends tonight. 

"Mom no I have plans I can't" He tries to reason with her but she doesn't budge. "I don't care Finn, family comes first and Millie is your sister so take of her tonight" And with that she left making Finn groan.

Millie was watching the conversation through her window. Her and Finn have a great relationship but there are times where Finn just wants to be with his friends. 

I'm not child geez. I can take of myself.

Millie thinks to herself. She hears the front door open signaling that Finn just walked in. She hears him lay on the couch with a heavy sigh. 

She walks downstairs and sits next to him just watching him do nothing. 

"So what do you want do while she's away?" Finn looked up and said nothing. He rolled his eyes and went up to his room. 

"That went well" she mumbled to herself. After a few minutes of watching tv she makes herself some soup to eat since she knows Finn is not gonna do it for her. 

An hour later she walks back upstairs and goes in Finns room to see what he's doing, she peeks her head in and see that he's sleeping. 

So much for watching over me

The girl makes her way back to her room and shuts the door. She decides to listen to music and just lay there and call her friend Sadie for a while. 


"I mean yeah your not a baby anymore but you know that the law is that you need to be 15 to stay in the house alone." Sadie says on the other side of the line. 

"I do know that but nobody has to know i'm 14 I could've said 15 if a police comes to check on me." Millie says. 

"Don't be stupid Millie it's a police officer. They're gonna know either way. They can easily look it up"  Sadie says.

"I know whatever" Millie sighs, she turns her body over to check the time on her nightstand. 


Suddenly she sees a light shine underneath her window. She gets up and sees that its Finns car. At first she thinks its being stolen so she quickly runs to her brothers room to get Finn but when she opens the door she sees that he isn't there.

"Sadie I'm gonna have to call you back." Before Sadie has the chance answer Millie ends to call. 

She runs out the door and goes in front of the car and as Finn was about to leave he turns his head he sees her and quickly stops the car. 

"What the hell are you doing!" Finn yells at her. "What am I doing? what are you doing your not supposed to leave" Millie says angrily.

Finn steps out the car and goes to her. "Get back inside. We're not doing this right now" He says as he grabs her arm hard.

"Let go of me and no I'm not going inside either you stay and I watch over you or I come with you and we don't tell mum." 

"No Millie you are not coming with me" Finn argues. "Fine then you can go but I'll tell mum. You know how she feels about you going out alone at night" 

Finn lets out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding. "Fine you can come with me" Millie silently cheers to herself and climbs into the passenger seat. 

He starts the car and begins to drive to his friends house.

"I can't believe you actually threatened me with mom" Millie let out a giggle. "and who's fault is that?" she asked with a hint of attitude and laughter in her voice. 

Suddenly Finn mumbles something 'fuck' under his breath. "What's wrong?" she asks . "Nothing I just forgot something at the house were gonna have to make a U-turn." 

He turns on an arrow sign twisting the wheel getting ready to make a U-turn. 

He looks through the rear-view mirror and sees a car coming fast towards them from behind. "Brace yourself Millie" Not questioning it she quickly holds onto the something in the car. 

The car hits them from behind causing them to move forward, now being in the middle of the street. 

"You okay" Millie nods her head and lets go of the object she was holding in the car. Finn looks up and sees a bright light on Millie's side of the car. Millie notices his scared face and tries to ask him. 


And that was the last thing she said before getting hit.


Millie and Finn were under the car seeing that it was tipped over. He was hugging her and keeping her secure in his arms. "Finn it hurts" They were both breathing heavily and they were scared. 

Finn was hearing an ambulance stop next to them. "Moms gonna kill us Finn" she says.

She hears footsteps coming towards them and they stay quiet. "They're looking for us" Finn says. "Who?" she questions. "I don't know" 

"Whatever happens please don't leave me okay" She hold his hand as tight as she can not wanting to let go. Him doing the same he hugs her tighter. 

"I won't" Millie calls his name continuously. "I won't" he keeps repeating until a police officer looks under the car. "I won't!" that's when the light took over him. 


The paramedic in the ambulance does his best to save Finn. He wasn't budging. Finally he did one more pump of the defibrillator and checked his neck for a pulse. He looked at the screen showing the flat line. After a few seconds Finns heartbeat showed up again. 

He opened his eyes slowly and begins to question where he is. "Where am I?" he starts and then starts to freak out a little. "Where's Millie?" He questions as the paramedic tries to calm him down. 

He looks to his right and sees her hand hanging off the stretcher. "Millie?" He goes to reach for hand and grabs her fingers. "Millie... Millie!" The paramedic puts Finn down since he stood up a little to reach for Millie.  

He continues to call for her name until he starts crying. "I'm sorry Millie. I'm so sorry" he cries. knowing he can't do anything about it he sobs into his hands. 

Finn knows tonight was the last time he was gonna see her again. 

His beloved sister is dead and she isn't coming back. 

"I'm sorry Millie" 

He says one last time before the paramedic puts him to sleep. 


Guys that was so sad I'm so sorry about that. If you guys are familiar with where this one shot is actually from I would like to see your comments. Your comments make my day and there'll be more one shots in the future soon. Byeeee.

Don't kill me please

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