Fine wine

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There's just something in my head that pairs gangs and clubs. She wears the bomb af halter bodysuit with the revealing cleavage with some sort of bottom.

The VIP was the most tense it had been throughout the years. Clad in black slacks and a black button upp rolled up showing off all of his tattoos, Ryder stood facing the ceiling to floor tinted glass, hands folded. He had a full view of what was happening in his gang as two of his men carried out the job they were given.

Maddox sat on a bar stool beer in hand looking king at partly at the DJ and the crowd she tumbled up tonight. While Asher leaned against the glass window, smirking eyeing the crowd in search of his probable next conquest. The two were his most trusted men and also Ryder's best friends. The trio were lethal, and when together know to bring death.

Vesper  allowed her crazy purple haired friend Rebel pull her through the club entrance. Her name and one look at Vesp they let them straight through. She felt her nerves peak as she thought a flash of recognition flashed through the bouncers eyes as well as respect. She had no idea as to who the hell he was but Vesper knew exactly where they were. Aces was not a new scene for her even if it was for her best friend. She knew it was stupid to return, naive to think she could hide but she hoped with the grey contacts in and hair coloured a mousy brown with as dark rose gold they would not recognise her. The two elbowed through the crowd to the bar to order their first drinks of the night.

The man of the hour sat at the bar, and with hawk like eyes Ryder watched his every move. They needed him alive. He watched his men slowly stalk their way towards him, eyes focused solely one the prize. The slight shimmer of a black, cold gun being pressed into his back making him tense brought immense satisfaction in him that they had him where they wanted him. It would be a death wish for the rivals that the guy was with yet he walked into his club out of free will.

It was the choking sound from Maddox that brought him out of the darker thoughts his mind was heading towards. Coughing harshly he waited until he stopeed as Asher went to his aid, punching his back. Eyes wide and slightly watery his eyes looked out at a figure of a woman by the bar.

"No way," was all he whispered out before the room fell dead silent.

Following his line of direction, Ryder was hit with a crashing wave of deja vu. He felt his body tense as if he had a bucket of ice cold water thrown over his head. He felt the blood coursing through his veins and his pulse beating so hard against his body he was sure his heart was about to rip out of his chest. Even with her hair a light brown with a tint of pink and with what was clearly contacts to conceal her icy blue eyes, Ryder watched Vesper knock back shots. How long had it been since she had ran away, how long had he been searching even though she always managed to stay a step ahead? How long had it been since he had let her go?

One year and six months exactly and now she was being thrown back into the life. Well kind of. So far she had been lucky, but she kept her guard up, her eyes open for any signs of anyone from the past. If word got out she was here, no doubt it was something she didn't want to even think about. She knew he was on a constant manhunt search for her and she didn't care. She knew it wouldn't be long until he found her because she was getting tired. She was missing home. And she knew she was definitely stupid for being her tonight, she was literally hanging under his nose. And she had no reservations in concluding her time was running out.

Ryder swallowed the lump which formed in his throat. His hand remained clenched as he fought every fibre in him to not trash the room out of anger and anguish. Maddox and Asher had come to stand by his side. They all watched  silently at how little she had changed. He could feel for Asher that it hit harder, his little sister was still broken inside it evident in her eyes, and even though they may have not been blood related she was still the little girl his family took in when he was six.

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