Saints and sinners

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La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas. - Charles Baudelaire.

Lisa you are totally fucked. Her words echoed through her head as he entered the room. Perfection. It was the only way she could describe him. Shaggy dark brown hair fell over his forehead instead of being slicked back like normal. Brown eyes that were almost black scanned the room analysing, remembering every face, noticing every movement of every flick of every wrist. It was the first time she saw him in casual clothes. Simple black jeans, a black v neck that stretched over his pecs and broad shoulders she had recently become accustomed to. Black biker boots covered his feet and he took his worn leather jacket off throwing it in the corner where others sat. His dress sense so out of his normal element of a black suit and black shirt. And as she drank him in their words swam in her head making it hurt, hitting her like a punch to the gut, knocking all air out of her. Don't bring too much attention to yourself they told her. Remember what your there for they reprimanded her. Remember to execute with precision they warned her. Don't fall for him they threatened her. Yeah she was definitely royally fucked.

Family he berated himself. They were all meant to be families of something bigger all holed up into this one room. He needed to stop being so paranoid, well not let them see just how much he was watching them. Never let your guard down, it was up there in the top three. He was here for family nothing else. No fights tonight. Even if his hand reflexively reached his lower back making sure it was still there, he could feel the cool of the gun against his back tucked into the band of his jeans. Show nothing, make yourself look unarmed. Bring no attention. The scene was brought to grate his nerves. No matter what something was happening tonight. He could feel it.

She acted nonchalant. Like she didn't see him. She cast a side glance at him whilst laughing a laugh as fake as the women she was currently in conversation with. Excusing herself, she weaved through the bodies of men heading straight towards the bar. She needed a drink, something strong to take off the edge of her nerves. They dragged her into this, into taking his family down. Ruin the network and they would step in. Take down the remaining men in power. No more harmony, no more peace. The bloodlust was written over the men's faces. The unknown killings of their men. The distrust directed at each other. Something would happen tonight. She felt it just unsure what. And she couldn't help but question her loyalties. How did she end up in the middle of this fuck storm.

Pats on the back and hostile hellos. They greeted him all around as he roughly nodded at the men he passed. He was the least talkative out of his brothers. Smile to and deadly, the best at scoping out. No doubt even though second in command he liked to remain in the shadows. Luc the eldest and ultimate leader was more than capable of leading, talking and instilling fear in the hearts of those here today. Andrea the second eldest had driven down from the family villa in Sicily where he was as he put it on vacation, to the city, running as the head of the faction he kept men that were stationed out here in check. He was close second in being able to freeze the blood of men and make them beg for an easy swift death. The younger twins Savas and Ormanno stood lazily relaxing against the frame of a door leading into the second living room. The youngest of the brothers Lorenzo was probably hiding in the shadows. The boy watched silently in the dark when bored. They were dangerous when put in a room together. They worked in silent harmony as if able to read each other's minds. Their connections ran far and wide globally. The inaudible truth rang clear that they were the most powerful family. The evidence written on the faces of those present here tonight.

"Tecero" the voice undoubtedly belonged to his bossman brother. Luc's voice practically bounced off the walls.

Looking around his eyes focused in on him standing near the twins. Andrea flanked his right side as Lorenzo pushed himself off a wall hidden in the dark playing with a knife in his hands. He shook his head at his antics. The youngest of them was most likely to get them into trouble if the mixed look of mischief and boredom written on his face was anything to go by. He could feel the pain growing at the bridge of his nose at the thought as he made his way towards the boys. He greeted them with short hugs and pats on the back. Eyeing Lorenzo he smacked him across the back of his head making his brother scowl.

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