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Serendipity (n) finding something without looking for it.

Yep it's the same thing again. I love writing and I know it might sound stupid but I think Jane the Virgin has taught me about writing. Biggest lesson I've learned yet your next muse can be anywhere at any random time. And you just can't help but write.I thought the dress above matche the character well, it echoed what I was looking for. Hope you enjoy this one!!

" I mean come on of course I was shocked! We planned on never getting married. But I can truly say from the bottom of my heart, my partner whom I love very much, since we were ten dancing to that stupid song for the talent show, has moved on. She found her life partner and that couldn't make me any more happier."

Vera raised my glass to my teary friend as she leant her cheeck on her husband to be's chest. Clearing my throat she turned to the crowd.

"To those to sickening lovers, now I'm gonna wrap up because I don't do sad sentimental crap like this."

A chorus of laughter filled the air as she downed her drink before getting off the stage. Lina ran to her and hugged the life out of her. And for the first time Vera's life since she was ten year old girl she choked up. Hugging her back fiercely a tear or two actually managing to escape. and so she couldn't help the sudden burst of laughter that left her lips.

God this was weird. She was like a proud mother, Lina was moving on with her life with the perfect guy. Yeah at she feared losing my best friend to a guy at the beginning but Andreas loved me like a little sister. And deep down Vera was happy and contempt with watching them.

Letting go she kissed her cheek befor making her way off the dancefloor. Grabbing a flute of champagne off a passing tray she stood near on of the arch windows, resting her body against the wall.

The music had started, which therefore meant that the dancing would start. And in no way did she want any part. She was perfectly happy in her little bubble for one. Looking out she watched the moon shine down, illuminating the garden. The large pond in the center of flower beds glistned. The benches surrounding were slightly  worn down in places telling their own story. Sighing she turned back around. The mansion was drool worthy.

As the first two songs drew to an end her feet were starting to hurt a little. But ignoring it she took the chance to scan the people here today. Majority were new faces, with the only people Vera knowing the couple and Lina's family. So many new friends she had made from work and then everyone Andreas knew.

If anything it was overwhelming even for someone who always thought she was confident.

Putting the empty glass she grabbed another, my body losing tension as Isheabsentmindedly swayed along to the song. A soft hum underneath her breath as she wrapped an arm around my midrift.

She stood there as if hiding, paying no attention to her surroundings, lost in herself. What was it. Sarah? Maria? Victor thought to himself, her name at the tip of his tongue. Wait! Vera, her name is Vera. He smiled at himself giving himself a mental pat on the back for remembering.

She was probably the only good thing that came of him letting Andreas have his engagement party in his house. She was beautiful. Her hispanic heritage evident in his eyes. A full curvy body, with a tan. Dark brown hair fell to her shoulders clipped back framing her face. Soft brown eyes, lined in black. And classy, pouty red lips. She caught his eye when she first walked in, late.

Grabbing his jacket and swinging it over his shoulder, he stalked his way towards her.

Vera was deeply lost in her thoughts. It was the most randomest of things. Unicorns, her belief in vampire and werewolves exsisting. Karma biting people in the ass. This castle. She was going to stick to calling it a castle and fantasizing over owning something as beautiful. It was the perfect mix of modern and traditional comfortable. She came to the concusion from the little explroing she managed to do.

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