And then I rise

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Veni. Vidi. Vici.- Julius Caesar.

"Come on Mr Mathews push, 45 seconds left!"

She tried to hold in her laugh as the old man grumbled under his breath. She was pretty sure she heard something on the lines of murder, pain and Satan. Clearing her throat she called time, watching as he walked back to where his water bottle was beside his wife. Mrs Mathews sat working on another one of her knitting pieces, humming under her breath.

"I will see yo the same time tomorrow Theodore. And before then please keep away from the sweets."

She pleaded like she did every time. The old man was stubborn and stuck in his ways that his sugar and blood pressure levels weren't as high as the doctors were saying. She couldn't help but have a soft spot letting him get away with it more often that she scolded him. But if he was making any progress he was quick to undo it. He snorted at her, eyes rolling. She stood in front of him giving him a pointed look as his wife, Judy, stabbed him in the ribs with a knitting needle. A smirk played on the corner of her lips as she saw the heated glare she was pointing at him. And the way his eyes melted slightly giving in.

"I'll keep an eye on him Mari, you go on now."

Satisfied she walked away from the couple who carried on arguing within themselves. She waved back faced as they respectively said their goodbyes. She had more than enough work to do.

Nerves ate at him. He never felt them before a fight, but now as he looked at where it all started the feelings he had a child resurfaced. The Bellevue Avenue gym sat on a corner off of the main street. It was a dilapidated looking warehouse from the outside in desperate need of renovation and a good lick of paint. Covered in graffiti and posters, a window busted from which he could faintly hear the sounds of machines and people. The door was a cherry red, scratched up with a dent that had been there since the first time he had seen it. Holding in his breath, he finally mustered the courage needed to get out of his mustang. He knew if he closed his eyes he could remember every detail of the layout. Of who was inside. Five years away and he was returning to where it all begun. Because this was redemption at its finest.

From what Marisol could see, she was the only trainer who had a old client. Theodore was a character but he definitely took a toll on her. Moving into the corner, fingers hooked into the maroon sweats that covered her she tugged them down. Her plain black t-shirt followed as she sat wrapping her hands and feet. From across the room she could see Trevor doing the same. The boy sent her a boyish smirk and a mock salute. Her face remained stoic, void of emotion as she stood working  through a quick warm up. She jumped on her feet, rolling her shoulder to lessen any tension before calling for him to follow. Because once they were in the cage it was all fair game.

He took one step in before he came across the burly man that made him manning the reception. At 6ft 5 Jimmy slightly towered over his 6'2 frame. The man was built solid even his his greying days like a mountain. Legs the size of tubes and arms the size of a person. And tattoos that covered every inch of skin visible even the back of his head. The piercing he used to wear in his eyebrow taken out along with the gage that used to be in his left ear. His eyes remained impassive as he glared him down. Jim didn't say a word hands crossed and once again he felt like the puny fifteen year old who couldn't meet his eyes. He felt the weighing down of guilt, of being at a complete loss. And it sparked frustration and anger that coursed through him, and for the first time in months made him itch for a fight, for anything.

"Welcome home Abe." The gruff sounds of Jimmy's voice along with the deafening slap of him hitting his back broke through the tantalising silence.

He still didn't feel at home.

There was something about being in the cage that didn't make her feel empty. Where she could pour out all her emotions, the ache and frustration. She couldn't help the taunting smirk as she kicked Trevor's down onto the ground before leaping on him using her worst against him. Her lips was busted, a bruise surely on her abdomen and scratches everywhere. The poor boy under he was fighting with a monster. And the most sadistic smile fell upon her face when he fought against her and for a split second she would let him have the upper hand.

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