Waiting and wishing

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"Seduce my mind and you can have my body. Find my soul and I'm yours forever."- Unknown.

Rosana rubbed her legs together slightly to try help ease the throbbing she felt between her thighs. The delicious ache was ever prevalent with the slightest of movement on her part, serving as a reminder. She could distinctly remember the way Slater drove into her again and again bringing her to new levels of high through the afternoon, as if trying to brand her. She felt her body grow hot at the memory that would forever be imprinted into her mind, licked her lips where the slight taste of his lips lingered on hers. She shivered at at the thought of his hands running across her curves, tasting her like a man starved time and time again. And she likes to think it was only for her.

Friday nights were spent at home. Or at one of their favourite food joints. Or it was usually meet up night at someone's house. But ever since the announcement Slater was being increasingly badgered by the media. Especially as the time grew closer. He almost couldn't go anywhere without his picture being taken. Yet he avoided them like the plague never stepping far from home of the gym. His distaste for paparazzi was great and it showed with very little about him actually being known by the people who weren't his family. He ignored the gossip that surrounded him, in fact never checked any outlets and their mysterious 'sources'. But he had found his refuge in comfort of Rose. The nights spent sinking into her where he could let go of all inhibitions.

He stood by one of the windows of the gym with Abel, eyes darting through the waves of bodies in search of one. The boys Sergio and Aiden made their way through the crowds smug grins from knowing the attention they were receiving from the ladies. Tiago had just entered the doorway holding the baby seat that held T junior, planting a kiss on his wife Constanzia's head, whispering something into her ear that made her blush beet red before she delved into the swarm and he made his way towards him. He gave Tiago a side hug , taking his godson into his arms as he kept an eye out for Constanzia. Because wherever she was going, it was more than likely Rosanna would be by her side soon rather than later.

Keeping the media at bay was harder than it looked. Whilst she loved her job, with the amount of people in the room, the noise being overbearing and her trying to instruct them it felt impossible. She felt the growing agitation and annoyance as they would lose focus on what she was saying. Handing out the list of topics Slater wouldn't answer questions on she pinned them all individually with a glare that spoke don't fuck with me. The last warning she gave being they would be removed if they did so before they dispersed like leaches into the main room from the foyer. She rolled her back to try ease some of the tension, her muscles still feeling the strain from little sleep no that she was complaining. And the sudden spike in temperature of the room had her over heating. The sudden feel of a hand landing on her shoulder had her jumping in the air. She teetered in her heels almost falling as her hand went to her chest to calm her heart. A very pregnant Constazia stood behind her looking sheepishly.

"Figured you'd need this about now," she said holding up a flute of champagne.

Like a woman in heat she downed half the contents of the glass in one go. Savoured how the cool bubbles trickled down her throat, and the way it worked to calm her frazzled nerves. Looping her arm through her best friend's she led them back into the room of wolves. She wouldn't stop working now. Not at least until the paparazzi left.

"Come on Connie babe, the vultures await," she muttered underneath her breath entering.

His hand tightened around the glass in his hand. The flashes in his face were constant he was sure he would turn blind. The number of questions being fired at him as turning into white noise as he struggled to keep up and give them his attention. Tiago's hand falling hard on his shoulder worked to steer and ground him to the vultures around him. Abel faithfully reminded by his side as Aiden and Sergio also came to flank his sides. Their faces remained impassive as he tried his damn best to no get irritated by them. He counted the seconds before they would leave. Nothing worked to ease his restlessness. Because his Rose was nowhere in his line of sight yet.

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