Black and blue

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"And I will remember your small room,
The feel of you,
The light in the window,
Your records,
Your books,
Our morning coffee,
Our noons, our nights,
Our bodies spilled together sleeping,
The tiny flowing currents, immediate forever,
Your leg, my leg,
Your arm, my arm,
Your smile and the warmth of you,
Who made me laugh again."
- Charles Bukowski.

He always wore black. The same style of a v neck t-shirt. Completely plain and long sleeved. The same style of black skinny jeans with heavy combat boots, that laced up tied in perfect bows. And like every night he sat in the corner booth of Tease the place he partly owned. Pitch black eyes stared right ahead at the empty seat opposite him and his same choice of poison vodka sat being nursed in his hands. Chilled, straight with mixers. Like with everything he took it plain. Part of his black and white world.

Like every night, she wanted, felt the curiosity and chance to be in his arms consume her. No she wasn't naive asking for a happily ever after. Nor kisses and cuddles. No. She craved the danger the feeling of being devastatingly ruined in the most beautiful of ways. Scarred and marked to add onto the many she already kept hidden. Nikolai Crowley awoke the demons within her. And she had a feeling he would happily dance naked surrounded in her black suffocating smoke.

The air felt tantalising to her, with the place holding a special event. A chance for new members to be initiated into the established and secret world of theirs. Dirty, taboo and sexy, it was the only way she knew to describe Tease. Plush silky satin curtains in a blood red danced with the wind entering from the windows.  Twisting in each other they looked like bodies immersed in the greatest heights of pleasure. Tables made of the finest dalbergia wood the world had to offer scattered the floor aside the from the booths that ran down the left side. High stools sat on either side cushioned with red, setting the intimate glow for two tonight. Yet fitting the mood they were the signature black that complimented the dark mahogany wooden floors.

Maybe that's why she found him so intriguing. Like the place Nikolai blended in. Dressed like he faded into the darkest of shadows. Blended into the damn fine establishment he partly owned, yet stood out. Like a walking contradiction for everything he stood for, his lifestyle, the man was feared and rightfully so. Never really in sight, but consumed her body, soul and mind. Placing the tray of empty glasses on behind the bar that ran across the whole vast expanse of the back wall, stacked with bottles that cost a years worth of her salary she propped her head up by her arm sighing.

The man was her definition of a wet dream. And she welcomed it with a thrill because of the potential danger he could bring. After all her life was still nothing but chaotic. She watched as he sipped, the slick movement of his throat as he swallowed. The strong grip around his glass, as his eyes wandered. Studying, memorising, calculating. But it was like usual she was invisible and he looked right over her.

"Are we really doing this again Luna? The man is dangerous and not to mention your boss."

The sound of Sean's high pitched and exaggerated voice broke her out of her reverie. Turning she came face to face with her very loud boss and good friend. His outfit screamed just as much as he did. A bright yellow suit with a navy blue and white patterned handkerchief in the pocket. His bleach blonde hair was slicked back, showing off his sharp jaw, full lips and roman nose. A perfectly shaped eyebrow was raised, hazel eyes trained on her with his hands folded. She loved man but he really wasn't making it easier on her.

"Nothing Sean." She glared back.

"You need to stop sugar plum or I'm gonna kick your peachy butt to the side for not concentrating on your work." He replied.

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