Thousand years

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Fifty shades freed, the song to the last movie is just... Her wedding dress above but I added my own details as well. I wrote this one to be something that's more cute. Hope you enjoy this one!

"I'm free as a bird when I fly in your cage"- Rita Ora and Liam Payne

Startling blue eyes. Enhanced by thin black liner and long spidery lashes coated in mascara. Dusty rose pink cheeks bringing colour to their fairness of her skin. Soft supple lips coated in ruby red lipstick. Trembling hands. Shaky breaths. Grey eyes forever ingrained into her mind each time her eyes fluttered close. Emilia stared at herself in the mirror. The background noise of last minute faffing grew to nothing but ringing in her ears.

Ivory white, intricate vintage lace detailing covered the soft plush gown at her arms waist and shoulders. Work along her side cinched at her waist and ran down to mid thigh. Her back bare sheathed in mesh material, surrounded by whirls of delicate design, followed with endless buttons falling down. Sleeves long with works of laces slipped a little over her hands. And a delicate neckline, not too wide yet enough to accentuated her chest with embellishments of pearls along the sides. It sat fitted against her  partly breasts yet flowed majestically off her form, covering almost all of her pale milky skin, with an endless trail that flowed behind her. Her chestnut brown hair up in a chignon held up by his mother's old silver hair piece. Something old. His gift of diamond studs adorned her ears, her favourites. Something new. And a small sapphire that looked almost black unless under light surrounded by small diamonds hung around her delicate neck, falling just above her bosom. Something blue. A thin drop veil fell across her face, simple with little lace work creating a border and as long as her dress trail. One final glance, a deep breath in, she picked up her bouquet of blood red roses.

Her legs shook. A group of four women awed and cried. His two sisters, the Thelma to her Louise bestfriend and her mom. She smiled holding her own tears at bay as they hugged her, laughing and gushing about the ethereal bride she made. A soft piano melody resonated in the distance, where her new beginning m, her future lay. They hushed each other down, giddy from excitement. Step by step in a coordinated fashion, the three of them walked down and out clad in silk dresses in ranges of cream and blush. An extended arm strong yet shaky held out waiting for her to loops hers through.

Deep breaths in and out. She honed into the clip clap of her heels against the swirling stairs. Something to focus on so she wouldn't panic. Don't fall over she reprimanded herself over and over again, as an attempt to focus on anything but the overwhelming tsunami of emotions that raged on inside her. Fresh crisp white and antique roses and baby breath covered the railings, encapsulating her sense of smell. The sun shone in on her through the glass ceiling, casting a warmth she baked in and warming the insides of the open airy home brining it to life.

Rose petals dusted the dark oak wood flooring along with baby breath as she walked. Step after step in a rhythmic pace. The soft sound of a piano playing in the background growing stronger. French patio doors slid open, the sound of distance voices grew quieter as they all rose, waiting in anticipation. But all Emilia sought for was a glimpse. A glimpse of those grey eyes to calm her jittery nerves. To ground her like they somehow always managed to. The ground was covered in an extended white carpet. Spring flower petals fell around them carried around from the cherry blossom trees by the breeze, mixing into the scattered trail of white and antique rose petals. Trees loomed over them with candles in glass dancing with slow sway of nature.

Eyes trained ahead, breath shallow, the crowed around stood mesmerised, whispers of awe passed caught in the breeze brought to her ears. His father carried her to him, his hand finding hers giving a firm tight squeeze of encouragement whilst keeping her arm firmly tucked into his. He strolled ahead with pride as his eyes shone full of happiness and unused tears as his smile widened looking ahead. He was proud of them.

A freshly shaved chiseled jaw. Rosy soft lips that pulled up into a million dollar smile at the first sights of her. Sun kissed skin that was heightened by the afternoon sun behind him, contrasting against his black suit. A blood red rose cushioned in some baby breath pinned to the lapel in the left side of his suit jacket, resting against his chest. Jet black hair neatly trimmed and jelled back instead of how it would normally fall over his forehead. Eyes, striking, the same haunting grey eyes of her dreams that held thousands of promises in his  tears.

Her Carlisle.

The bump from his best man against his shoulder was lost to him becoming part of the background. They were lost in each others eyes as the world around them slowly crumbled apart. Nothing else mattered no more than the treasured seconds of unspoken words that stood between them now. Not the past arguments. The sudden break that had them lost from each other. The twisted path to their thousand nights. In this moment they were lost soul who were lucky to have found each other again. In those seconds they became one.

Anticipation. It was what she felt as they grew closer. Her breathing erratic with anticipation. She couldn't help the splitting from that took over her face showcasing her pearly whit teeth. A smile only he could bring out of her. Every step bringing her closer to her much awaited future.

Pride and endless love shone in his eyes. Appreciation shown through the the mental image her snapped of her with his eyes roaming over her slender figure. An image her would never forget. Ever so tenderly his father placed her hand in his with a stern nod and peace radiating from his eyes as he took a seat gracefully next to his mother. Carlisle grasped her hand with tender love. His hand warm and rough against hers as she squeezed his in return. His eyes continued to speak volumes of praise whilst holding her gaze.

Her breath caught. Tears brimmed her eyes. His smile now mirroring hers. The world around them became white noise and all that mattered in that moment was them. Was this. The feeling of her soft warm hand against his slightly sweaty ones, effectively working to calm their nerves. The feeling of peace and tranquillity washing over them. The much needed exhale he released that she was still here, still his. The much needed intake of breath to make sure she wasn't dreaming. He was here, he had stuck it out with her. They would be happy, in their own little crazy bubble hidden in the woods, where their new home lay in the bay.

Sunlight patterned across her skin. The soft melody of the piano came to a soothing end, followed by the ruffling sounds of guests clothes as they took their seats. Not once did his gaze waver from hers. Not even as they said both respectively took turns to say their own vows and I dos.

She felt herself grow more hyper aware as she highly anticipated the words that would seal her fate.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

There was no rush. Voices erupted around them in cheers as he slowly lifted her veil over her head smoothening it down with his hands. She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her as she lightly shook her head at his perfecting antics. His hand lightly cupped her cheek, tipping her head up as he achingly slowly brought his down to meet hers half way. Leisurely they moved against hers. Starting soft, his free hand digging into her waist pulling her up onto her tiptoes bringing her body flush against him. She smiled into the kiss, angling her head as her hands wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him closer.

Heaven. Home. Serenity. It was the most basic words she could use to describe the cracking energy between them. They were drunk on each other. Deliriously in love  with each other. A wolf whistle from the crowd from the little show, they broke apart. Foreheads resting against each other she was in a state of rapture by just drinking him all in. She couldn't help the tear of contempt that escaped, holding him by the lapels of his suit as he worked to anchor her to reality.

He couldn't take his eyes off her. He stole a kiss from her lips, left a fleeting one on her nose.

"Even if we're five feet apart?" He whispered to her the words not lost to her.

Her grips on him tightened, "even if we're five feet apart," she replied forever sealing them to each other.

He squeezed her waist to hold himself together, for everything they now meant. The urge to love her harder grew, and with a kiss leaving them more he scooped her into his arms. She squealed in stories laughing head falling back before resting against his chest. Her hand against the rhythmic beating of his full heart.

He carried them into their forever.


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