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"Alice: How long is forever?"
"White Rabbit: Sometimes just a second."
-Lewis Carrol.

The room was barley lit. A silver of light crept through the break of the curtains that were still pulled in the day time. She couldn't help the smile on her face as she remembered the small things that happened throughout the room. From their first fight, to their last night before college. The first time he snuck her in to almost get caught by his dad.

Coming to a halt at his desk she ran her hand over the solid wood, opening a drawer to find her old flip phone in there. Scrolling through the old messages, she couldn't help the smile that lit up her face as she was taken back.

"Come on already!"


Theo halted in her steps looking back towards her bedroom door. She was sure she was going to get caught. The first and only time Presley had convinced her to sneak out and she was sure her mom was going to burst through the door any second now and catch her with one foot stuck out her window. Her heart raced, a mile a minute from the adrenaline she felt. Her palms clammy. She shivered from the night air, her wispy blonde hair falling into her amber eyes.

"Shut up Pres!"

She whisper yelled glaring at him. His hand flew up trying to tame his laughter that she was sure her mom would hear if he was any louder. His blue eyes twinkled in the moon light, broad shoulder shook as his smile that she loved grew wider, show off perfect pearly white teeth. She felt her nerves fall at the sight, her heart soften and suffocate her from the amount she felt. From the live that she couldn't for the life of her put into words. Sticking her other leg out, she pulled her window down closed. Presley inches closer to the roof side near her porch that he had climbed up countless times over the past months. Hands held out to catch her, she didn't hesitate to prop herself up and jump into his open arms.

With an oomph, a few steps backwards to make sure they didn't fall, he caught her. Hands wrapped around his neck, her smiled mirrored his. Goofy and high of of young love. She couldn't help but laugh, pulling him in closer. Pale pink lips, as smooth as honey met hers in an innocent kiss that still managed to take her breath away. Hands around her waist clamped down tighter picking her up. She screamed into his shoulder, hitting him on his back, as he laughed. The sound of sheer bliss from him that vibrates through her. Carefully as if a porcelain doll, he placed her into his car. The old 1965 mustang convertible seats were cold causing goosebumps to break out against her skin. She snuggled in deeper against the cherry red leather as Presley started up the car.

Taking her pink flip flops off, running a hand through her locks she propped her feet up on the dash board. She flashed him a cheeky grin winking. Chuckling, with a shake of his head he ran a hand over her smooth legs resting it on her thigh. In the late night, in the silence of The Valley they rode. The radio played a soft sing she played little attention to. She was committed to memorising every small detail. The way he rubbed his lip at a stop light, the way his muscles flexed as he drove with the one hand. The small smiles and winks he sent her way each time he caught her staring. Each smile holding hidden promises. He drove further away from home to the spot they both loved. The curved Drive was dead to the sleeping world as the car crept up. The opening view, the dawning light breaking through the light smog never ceased to amaze her. Body shifting she sat up, legs tucked under her, as they came to a stop.

She didn't realise her was staring at her rather than home. That with her he felt like he was on top of the world. It was the feeling of his hand on top of hers that broke Theo out of her reverie. The warm callous hand that ran up her arm, twirling a piece of her hair around a finger. The air grew with the tantalising desire. His hand reaching behind her neck pulling her close as their lips met. The slight hint of coffee on his tongue mixed in with the minty taste of her. His other hand grabbing her by the waist pulling her close. She shifted across his lap, he accommodated, flashing a smile of secrets, as her hands ran over his chest, up and around his shoulder. She couldn't help the giddiness and the little giggle that left her lips as he nipped at them.

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