Ruined by misery

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"Our backs tell stories no books have the spine to carry."- Rupi Kaur

Her legs were hesitant and shook slightly as she got out of her car. The country house in front of her was a mansion in her eyes, yet held the very essence of a converted barn mixed in with a farmhouse. And it sat beautifully on an elevated floor with a wraparound porch. A low country bed swing made from smooth wood sat on the right, covered in soft mauve and brown cushions with a brown white throw resting on the back, contrasting against the white of the home. Her eyes looked up and she could see the endless woods that ate up no doubt many acres of the land. She was already in love. She wiped her shaky hand on her dress as they started sweating. A small hand in hers giving her all the confidence she needed to finally step  up and knock.

The sound of a close laugh and squeal vibrates through the door before it swung open to very familiar faces. Her sisters best friend Gianna was quick to step out and envelope her in a familiar warmth, and like she did used to do with her sister she snuggled in close breathing in the floral scent of the woman with whom she had shed many tears with as they dealt with their battles.

"I'm so happy your here."

The crack in her voice made her feel crushing guilt. She was close to not coming here herself, rather send a congratulations card with a gift and let her two assistants whom she trusted with her life and her only friends come deal with this client. She knew it was the only way apart from loving her cooking and deserts that Gianna could think about getting her out of her home or her hole in the wall shop. But the overwhelming sense of love and honour overcame her knowing they were trusting her with their big day tomorrow and the wedding rehearsal party tonight. And so she came knowing for Gianna she was the sister she never had. And well for her the closest remaining thing of a sibling who she was overly protective over.

"I'm happy to be here."

Breaking apart she swiped a finger under her eye to wipe away the escaped tear as she laughed softly. And with that Gianna's attention turned to her little body next to her whilst she turned to say hello to the man who she remembered. Andrea had grown from the teenager and little boy she remembered from the times her sister bought them out to their home when they were in Italy. He had matured into a giant and the tender look of a man whipped in his eyes as he watched Gianna gave her all the reassurance she needed that her sister was finally getting her well deserved happily ever after.  As he turned his gaze in her a smile of recognition lit up on his face.

"How are you Camille?"

He would have no doubt felt the stiffness in her body from the sudden touch, and felt her breath out as she relaxed into his friendly sideways hug. Tucking an escaped strand of her hair behind her ear her reply soft and quiet.

"I'm good Andrea, how's it going for you."

The smile that graced his face made his eyes crinkle, as he replied perfect before slipping a hand around Gianna's waist as she straightened out before he led her into the house.

Ormanno added the last touches by hanging the string lights up and placing the black lanterns in the exact locations his mother was dictating to him. Whilst he grumbled and groaned under his breath he loved her too much to say no. His father sat near Luc who held his fiancé Thalia flush again his front as she sat in his lap whilst she cradled the latest addition to the clan in her arms. Andrea's son had taken after his mother with small pink pouty lips and brown doe eyes. And as the first grandchild and nephew was going to be spoiled rotten. Savas was in mid fight with his very pregnant wife as Shiloh refused to at the moment. He didn't even one to think about them. A constant mind fuck who were always at each other's neck or couldn't take their hands off of each other. With her luck if their twins were anything like him and her husband she was in for a hell of a ride. Tecero was still making his way down today along with the ever feisty Lisa. And last but not least the youngest Enzo stood leaning against the porch twirling a knife in his hand  bored like normal. He shook his head and threw a small candle at him, that he caught without even looking in his direction. How was he the one that ended up having to do the hard and dirty work?

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