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My biggest problem is being obsessed with Mafia. Fiction, non-fiction I've read up on them. Even the Irish and Russian mob. As weird as it sounds I imagine some of the hottest men in my head. I'm weird af. This idea popped into my head when I was daydreaming and listening to Kiiara and Jaira Burns. Hope you like it. Oh and that's her home.

Home. Where our journey begins.-Unknown.

Coming home after three years felt suffocating. All memories of childhood and teenage years flew by with the scenery. Kyle drove at a fast pace eager to get me home. Esmae couldn't have asked for a better family who took me in and treated me like their own. The apple of mother's eye, father's princess and Kyle's baby sister. But the person she was most eager and nervous to see was nonna. Her nonno was a calm man, he would hug me and carry on being the stoic man he is. Her nonna well she was something else.

The woman always seems high off her bat. Speaks whatever comes to her mind. Nonno says she always has and it's why during his younger years he rarely let her sit in meetings. Nonna says it's because she was so amazing in them the men felt intimidated. Letting her loose meant a wild goose chase bar hopping across America to find her. Speaking from experience, never let it happen because the image of her dancing on a bar top is still ingrained in my mind.She is also a very strong willed woman. Which had me all in my feels, she wasn't going to let go how long it's been since I've been home.

Kyle babbled on and on about what she had missed. Any significant huge clashes within families, peace treaties and our friends. But most importantly Elle. Elle wasn't only her best friend but now soon to be sister. Kyle popped the question after three years of dating. And she was the only reason she would contemplate coming home over at the moment. Even though wherever that awaited made her stomach sink.

Cristian stood by the window of the living room. The atmosphere was tense and excitement oozed from everyone. But he did not know how to feel. Mae's leave was abrupt, they parted ways in some of the most horrible circumstances. He never got the chance to explain, hell he doesn't even know the full reason as why she fucking fled. H is emotions were getting to him and so he kept his back to the small crowd of the room. A man of power shows no weakness.

The Ginanneli house looked like it always had. A tall iron gate patrolled by to guards, before it swept up the driveway to stop in front of the family mansion. The house looked the same as it always had. The back was extended and it went of on one side. The inside comfy but modern. Esmae struggled to get a hold of herself. Kyle placed a hand on hers in comfort as she inhaled deeply before starting to unbuckle and climb out.

Cars were parked all out around the front. She was mentally trying to prepare herself to meet whoever lay behind the doors. She wasn't dressed that's for sure. She had thrown on an oversized, off shoulder top she could sleep in over her pajama shorts. You could see the slight lace work of her purple bra underneath. Her hair was a cute birds nest on top of her hair and she accompanied the look with riding boots. She was dressed to go straight to bed shortly after arriving like she had planned to. Right before the engagement party started.

Home had always looked daunting.

Esmae felt like the small five year old again, minus the thumb sucking, dirty clothes and the weird penguin stuffed toy she always carried. Deja vu at its finest. Sucking it up she slowly started making her way up the stairs. Her heart drummed erratically against her chest. She concentrated on getting on foot in front of the other.

The door opened before she could knock. A bundle of human knocked her off her feet, knocking the wind out of her. The squeal left her half deaf as the unexpected embrace left her ass stinging.

"I missed your crazy ass," cried Elle.

Laughing with tears brimming in her eyes, Esmae did nothing but hug her closer and tighter. She missed this familiarity, the emptiness inside being slowly filled. Letting go she got up brushing herself down. Wordlessly she carried on her way through.

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