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"Each time you happen to me all over again."- Edith Wharton.

Sliky brown locks dance in the summer breeze as she ran. Green eyes shone with innocence and sincerety. Sun kissed freckles dance across her cheeks. Rosy pink lips pulled up into a cheeky smile. All whilst the early morning sun glared down upon her. Soft laughter filtered out of her. A sharp contrast against the silence of the green. Her sundress emerald green, contrasting against her olive skin.

Liliana smiled to herself remembering the memories surrounding the meadow. The spot was just the same as it was when she was sixteen.She watched her young foolish self wander around aimlessly, yet never getting bored of the same things again and again. And just like she used to she sat in the middle of flowers, feeling the warmth of the early sunsrise on her face. She was warm, inside and out. The place smelt and felt like everything that was ever home.

It was her innocence and lust of adventure, mama would say.

But that had not changed seven years on. Liliana was living out her dreams, travelling across the world, experiencing life and culture. She spent her days in the crooks and cranny's that people wouldn't think twice going into. But in everything she saw the vibrant colors. Or at least she tried to.

Closing her eyes, she fell back falling into the flower beds. Eyes closed she just listened. The sound of birds chirping, bugs chirping. The smell of pollen accompanied by the buzzes of bees. She inhaled deeply. Just simply letting time pass her by.

Micheal was always drawn to her like a moth to a light. When they were sixteen he blindl followed her after realising the depth of his feelings. She was the only one who had caught his attention but she couldn't give a crap. Liliana was the most driven person he had ever met. And she accepted him, all his devils and sins.

He felt was a changed man seven years on. Getting out his car he looked on at the scenery displayed before him. He saw a gangly built boy, laying in the distance. His leather jacket lay beneath him, his white t-shirt hugged his broad chest. His brown eyes looke up in awe and love. And the girl in the emerald dress danced and laughed care free.

He saw young, free spirited minds, making the most of life.

Smiling to himself, he shook his head out of the thoughts of sixteen year old him. Grabbing the blankets, he stuck one hand in his pocket quietly making his way through the meadow.

He walked in silence, soaking in the early morning sun. He loved the warmth it radiated. His listened to the the buzzing of bugs and the morning songs of the birds. The soft crumpling sound of greenery below his feet. He walked to the center.

Liliana kept her eyes closed. She could feel him. His eyes that made her body hot as he looked down on her. She heard the soft ruffling of him, laying down his blanket and joining her. Taking her hand, her engagement ring caught the light.

Opening her eyes slowly to the blinding light, she turned her head towards him. Picking his hand up she lay a feather kiss upon it.

"Hey," she whispered, contempt.

Smiling her took a piece of her hair, twisiting it thorugh his finger, "Hey."

Cupping her jaw, he tilted her head up ever so slighlty capturing her lips in what was meant to be a innocent kiss. The touch of soft lips, controlling hers, making her burn like fire. Her hands followed trailing up his chest into his hair pulling him down harder onto her. Rolling her over he devoured her lips.

And just like that, they were the notorious sixteen year olds again.

Liliana, had never had a first kiss. Nor a boyfriend as a matter of fact. But when Micheal asked her to sneak out her window to go with him, she didn't hesitate to say yes.

As they sat under the moonlight, the soft sound of crickets in the background, she could still feel the warmth of his hands that touched her waist, as her shirt rose up high while she climbed down from her window. She could feel her cheeks heating up and prayed it was dark enough so he could not see.

She turned to look at him. Stunned she found him already staring at her with a devilish smile gracing his lips. She didn't realise how far she was gone in her own thoughts. His smile was picture worthy and rare. Not once had anyone including herelf seen it. Dimples on either side of his smooth pale skin propped up.

And they just sat staring at each other drinking each other in. His hand left from her side, trailing up her arms, cupping her face. Pulling herin closer, he kissed her. It was feather light. Opening his eyes he looked into her eyes.

Her reflection in them making her darkened green eyes widen. Her heart pulsed erretically against her neck, and he softly rubbed his thumb over it. Pulling her onto his lap he kissed her like he was her last.

Her hand shot up around his back digging in. Bringing her body up, she tried to rid of any invisible space. His hands dared lower on her back, pulling her closer. One hand tangling in her hair tugging.

Breaking apart she threw her head back gasping for air. Micheal took the action as a chance to attack her neck. She groaned lightly, as he peppered her neck with open wet kisses. Grabbing tufts of his hair she tugged with pleasure.

Lying her down, he removed his jacket first, pulling his shirt off his body. His hands glided up her smooth legs, pulling her dress along with it. Their chests heaved in synch as he looked up for permission.

Nodding yes, the following tumultuous actions left them satiated in the meadows till the early morning.

The touch of Micheals lips on her collar bone bought her back to the present. Rough, skillied hands trailed up her calves, squeezing her thighs. Her dress riding up with it.

Her hands tugged at his shirt and in a swift motion he pulled it off him. Sitting slightly up, Liliana ran her fingers over tattooed pecs and arms. She loved the feeling of his smooth, hot muscluar arms beneath her dainty fingers.

Micheal didn't hold back diving in to attack her lips. Exposing more of her soft skin, he stripped them bare. And with a chaste kiss, he entered her in one languid motion.

His hands clasped her raisning them above her head, intwning their fingers, as he rode her. Each stroke leaving her panting harder. Letting her hands go her pulled her closer on hand cradling the back of her neck.

Liliana''s hands flew to his back, digging into the raven that sewpt across his shoulders. Letting his lips go, she sucked in his bottom lips letting go with a pop before throwing her head back, in sensual pleasure. Reaching her peak, Micheal's thrusts came harder and faster.

They came undone seeing stars, spent. He rolled over pulling her into his arms, covering them with the one of the blankets he had bought. Their chests heaved as they panted. Bodies sticky, and covered in a light coat of sweat. He ran his finger over the erratic pulse against her throat. She snuggled in closer, as the sun shone harder and brighter against them.

He looked into the distance happy and contempt. Kissing her forhead he whispered against her skin, "can't wait to marry you tomorrow."


Okay not gonna lie, I think this was cute and short. I really needed this break of writing when college is literally taking over my life (like it hasn't already.) I don't know when I'll post again, but fingers crossed hopefully again soon.

Never did realise how much I missed this!!!

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