Dear darling

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You asked me where I see myself in 10 years and I said "I don't know."
Because I don't.
But ask me where my heart will be in 10 years or even 50, and I'll surely reply "with you."- C.C.

Letter #1
Dear señorita,

Do you remember that summers day? Just after the 4th of July. You had just turned four, your front two teeth missing and one from the bottom. You had this gummy smile, a cheeky smile across those ruby lips. Hazel eyes, that twinkled with mischief and grew more intensely green from the midday sun. Your chubby cheeks were bright red like a tomato and smeared with a bit of dirt.

I was five, the lanky slim kid that was by the sand pit. And Abel was picking on me. He was older and bigger than you. At least twice your size. But in all your small glory. Tattered White trainers, short dungarees and a yellow t shirt you went up to him. A birds nest of jet black hair that has sticks and leaves in it, hands clenched into tight fists. You proceeded to kick him. Right on the shin. And honey you left a mark of dirt.

That smart mouth of yours went at him, telling him to pick on someone his own size. Hand swatting him across his head that you had to jump to hit. And when he replied "make me." All hell broke loose. That scream still haunts me. The high pitched soprano voice that bought the park grounds to an screeching halt. And lord did it.

Your mama and papa came running asking what the matter was. Abel looked like he was about to shit his pants. And you, you captured my heart.

Letter #2
Hey nena,

I remember that day so vividly and clearly. (And please mine is the right version of events, don't fight me on this.)

Highs school. You absolutely hated it. You were smart, so smart taking all AP classes, as well as playing the cello. It was actually seeing you at lunch that one day. By yourself in the music room playing as I walked past and heard it. I realised how you were so much more than just the girl next door. Or just a friend. Lord I was smitten just by how lost in yourself you were.

And it only made you so much more beautiful to me.

Abel nudged my shoulder to break me out of the spell only you can cast on me. The way your black hair fell over a shoulder, the crease you get between your eyebrows and the way you chew on those lips when deep in concentration.

"Just ask her."

That's all Abel said before I walked in. Before you were startled and the bow fell out of your hands. You glared questioningly and I loved it. The way your temper flares, the little things that could fluster you. Because you were in my presence. Maybe it's because you felt it too?

"Constanzia, be my girlfriend."

I was nervous as hell. My palms were sweating and I was overheating. My cheeks probably did turn a little red and my words came out rougher than they were meant to. I wanted you to say yeas so badly that I was lost for words taken aback.


I paused with no comeback. And so then you pushed right past me without another word. Abel laughed at me. All night. And then well cariño the rest is history is it not. I spent that whole week trying to woo you. Whether it was gifts, music or just talking to you all night from my window.

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