Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.3}

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*Tala's POV*

Ok, who the hell decided to make our house an oven! It is like hell in here.

I opened my eyes from my slumber to feel sweat all over me. Ugh, nasty, I thought to myself. I tried to get up but when I did, I fell to the floor; my legs had given out on me. Then I remembered yesterday, the blackout, the sickness, and the guys. Great! Now my sickness had escalated to my legs turning to Jell-o.

While I was contemplating trying to get up again, I started to feel my joints ache. Hmm, that is odd; I thought I already went through puberty. I tried to get up again and this time it worked. My legs still felt like Jell-o but I could walk now. I decided to dress coolly, even though it was a bit slutty. It’s not like I’m going to see anyone but Alick.

I grabbed a white shirt that cut off right in between my breast and went down to my navel, except right at my breast there was a strip of cloth that attached it together. I also grabbed a pair of dark washed skinny jeans and then jumped in the shower even though I was burning up.

I turned the water on as cold as I could stand, and just stood there under the spray. The aching in my joints was now consuming my body, even my face was aching. It was not extremely painful, so there was no real reason to complain. It has to be from the fever. Pushing the pain to the back of my mind, I washed my hair and got out. After drying off and putting my clothes on, I did my hair and makeup. Right when I walked out of my bathroom, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Tala, are you ok?" I heard Alick ask through the door.

"Yeah, come on in, if you want." I said, but my voice came out raspy. Not like my voice at all.

Alick walked in "How are you feeling?" He asked concern coloring his voice.

"Uhh well it feels like I’m in an oven and I’m aching all over, but if that’s good, then yeah I’m fine." I said sarcastically.

Alick smiled a sympathetic smile. "Happy Birthday, by the way" He said.

Oh, yeah, my birthday, I had almost forgotten about it. "Oh, I can go buy cigarettes!"

He raised an eyebrow at that statement. "You don’t smoke," he said.

"I know, I just wanted to get them because I’m 18 now and they can’t stop me from buying them," I said shrugging my shoulders and walking out, hearing Alick laugh behind me.

I got downstairs and walked straight into the kitchen without looking in the living room. I grabbed a pop-tart and a bottle of water. I walked back into the living room and saw Ryan, Yuma, Beau, and Alick. I wouldn’t have dressed like this if I knew that they were here. Alick just sat there; he was used to me wearing stuff like this when I’m burning up or something. Ryan’s eyes were wide, Yuma was smirking, and Beau’s mouth was wide open. Then it seemed to register with Alick. He growled and the guys snapped their attention to something else.

I smiled and shook my head. Then all of a sudden, the aches got a bit worse. "Uh, Alick could you get me some Ibuprofen I’m aching all over for some reason" I said sitting down next to Ryan on the couch. Alick went into the kitchen to get the medicine.

Ryan reached his hand over to my forehead, and then he frowned. "Aren’t you burning up." He asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Why do you think I’m dressed like a slut?" I asked.

"Attitude Much," I Heard Yuma Say.

"You know I already don’t like you, so shut up, before I jump you and rip your ass limb from limb." I said. I heard Beau and Ryan laugh. "What," I asked confused.

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