Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.13}

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Here it is you Guys! Hope you like it i'm sorry if you find a mistake but Shadow editor hasn't been online in a while and I couldn't leave you guys hanging like that for long and i wont have that much time tomorrow to get on. I'm going for my Permit wish me luck! I'll put a comment on here and tell you guys if I make them

The song is Awesome I love it Isn't it Great! The mix just fits together and his Voice is AMAZING!!!!!!

But anyways I'm going to ask some questions at the end make sure to read and Comment!


(Tala's POV)

I slowly woke up to a bright light. I slowly got up off the ground as my eyes adjusted to see that I was in the middle of a huge valley full of flowers.

All of a sudden I felt a breeze whip around my legs. I looked down to see that I was in a white silk dress that went down to my knee's. Then I also realized that all the cuts from my body were gone.

Am I dead?

All of a sudden there was an extremely bright light. I squinted my eyes and actually closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them up I saw a beautiful women with the same blue eyes that I have and brown hair. Beside her was a man with raven black hair and green eyes. He had his arm around her shoulder and they were both smiling.

I looked at them confused.

The man chuckled "She doesn't remember us dear" he said, his voice sounding painfully familiar. The woman pouted a bit playfully "I'm hurt my own daughter doesn't remember me" she said smiling "Darn you gave it away honey" the man said.

Mom and Dad? No Way. It's not possible.

"Mom, Dad?" I asked quietly in shock. The woman tore from the man's arm "My baby!" she yelled running to me and engulfing me in a hug. "Mom!" I cried as we hugged and she stroked my hair. We pulled back "She's grown so much" dad said coming over to us. "Dad!" I yelled hugging him. "Hey princess" he said laughing.

I pulled back "Am I dead?" I asked them sadly. They looked at each other and laughed "Not funny guys I would like to know if I'm ever going to see my brother and friends again" I said a bit sassy, but I really wanna know.

"She has your attitude Zachary, no honey your not dead but you are on the verge of death which hopefully you will pull through that's the reason we are able to talk to you now" mom said.

I'm almost dead, Oh god i don't wanna die.

Dad laughed "Sorry if my daughter and I like sarcasm" he said to mom on the attitude comment. Obviously they weren't as worried about my situation as I was.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you were werewolves?" I blurted out coming off of the high of seeing my parents once again. They both looked at me oddly "You were so little you wouldn't have understood" Dad said kindly. That same voice I remember comforting me when I was little. " But you still told Alick and I just found out on my eighteenth birthday" I said just a bit hurt.

"We are truly sorry but we didn't want to drag you into this to soon and we wanted someone to know just in case we did die" mom said. "Wait! you knew you were going to die?" I said.

"Do you want to tell her the story Victoria" dad said looking at mom with nothing but love in his eyes.

That's what I want. I want a love like my Mom and Dad. A love that even death can't break apart.

"Ok, well, their is a horrible man by the name of Robert, but if I'm not mistaken he goes by Robbie these days" mom said trailing off into her own thoughts.

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