Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.15}

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Heyy guys sorry that this has been so long but I have an idea for the next couple of chapters so hopefully they will be better. I'm not gonna bug you guys with questions this time I just wanna know what you think Please tell me!!!!!

Oh and dont forget to check out the music Because my music is always best for you =D


(Tala's POV)

Yuma looked at me a bit uncomfortable under my scrutiny.

"So what did you want to talk about" He asked Softly looking down a bit.

"Yuma why in God's name did you stay with me that whole time and not eat or sleep??" I said dumbfounded.

"I-" He began "Don't even try to deny it, I can tell by just looking at you" I said harshly.

I looked at him and I melted a bit "I'm sorry I yelled it's just I am no reason to not take care of yourself, If something ever happened to me I would want you to not kill yourself over it but go on a be normal" I said softly looking down.

I looked back up and saw he was Staring at me. He walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders as to make sure I wouldn't walk away from him.

"Not worth it?!? do you not realize how you have impacted everyone here? BreeBree just met you and she was the one begging Anberlin on her knee's to help you" He said Breathlessly

I just looked at him "but" Then he cut me off "No buts Everyone here probably would have died off one by one without you" He said getting closer with every word "Especially me" he said barely above a whisper.

He was now so close that if i were to just reach my lips out a bit we would kiss.

What scared me most was the fact that I wanted it to happen. I wanted it so bad that everything in me was burning and tingling.

Oh god.

Just as I was about to smack my lips right into his there was a thump at the door.

I jumped away from Yuma so fast that I think I have whiplash now.

A second later Connor stumbled through the door "Sissy Tala!!!" He was repeating.

I was breathless but managed to giggle. I looked over to Yuma who looked to be in a state of shock.

Connor Ran up to me and put his arms out motioning for me to pick him up.

I picked him up "Sissy Anne said something about shopping" he said looking a bit confused.

I laughed at the fact that he had started calling her Sissy Anne.

Then what he said Registered. Oh yeah all of us need to go shopping and get everyone some Clothes.

"Oh yeah how would you like to go to the mall and get some Ice cream?" I asked him.

He got a huge grin "ICE CREAM AND SISSY TALA!!!!" He squealed.

I nodded and sat him down "Go tell everyone to get ready and we will all go ok?" I said bending down to his level

"I love you Sissy Tala" He said and hugged my neck then ran off to scream at other people.

I laughed "Your going to be a good mom one day" I heard Yuma say. "That's the plan" I Grinned, Forgetting for a second how it was a minute ago.

Their was an Awkward silence.

"Well I better go get ready" I said as I turned to walk away.

I felt a hand grab my wrist "Tala" Yuma said.

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