Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.4}

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*Tala’s POV*

I saw Alick get a nervous look on his face as I glared at him.  He knew I was going to be pissed with him for a LONG time.  I turned to Ryan, who looked nervously away.  I grunted and turned to Beau.  He would tell me.  I smiled, “Beau do you care to explain why I went through all that just now.” I asked him.

He grinned, “Well, you’re a werewolf.” 

“Gee, Beau, way to break it to her softly,” Yuma said with a ‘Duh’ look on his face. 

“Whoa,” I said, on an exhale.  Taking a deep breath I continued, “You’re telling me that I’m a werewolf.  Sharp teeth, fur, running on four legs, all of its true.”  I saw Beau’s smile widen and he shook his head yes.  I couldn’t help myself, I burst into hysterical laughter, partly because this is crazy, but mostly because when I get nervous I laugh or bite my lip, either one.  Ryan and Yuma looked at me like I had 9 heads. 

“She laughs when she gets nervous.”  Alick said catching the look the two boys had shared.  Yuma just shook his head.

I finally stopped laughing.  “You have to be kidding me right, there has to be a logical explanation as to why I was in the most excruciating pain of my life. Not one that has to do with vampires and werewolves.  Next thing I know you’re going to tell me that Edward and Jacob are real.”

“No! Edward and Jacob aren’t real”  Beau stated, looking highly offended.

 “You guys have to be lying to me,” I said looking around but everyone’s face was serious.  “Oh God, I think I’m gonna be sick.”   Then I saw Alick throw a bottle of water at me.  I nodded at him and smiled.  I Sighed, chugging the water, I have no idea how I did that, but I did.  “Well then tell me the story; I have somewhere to go today.” 

Alick gave me a confused look.  I gave him a ‘Don’t even question me, you’re on my shit list’ look.  He just pouted.

Ryan sat down in the floor in front of me.  “Ok, well now you know you’re a werewolf and I’m pretty sure you caught on to the whole looks changing.  That’s what hurt so bad.”  He said and I nodded. 

“Well whether you like it or not, that’s what you are and there are some things only your brother can explain.” I heard Yuma say.   

I looked at Alick expectantly.  He sighed and sat down beside Ryan.  “Listen mom and dad were werewolves and since they were werewolves we got the genes. As you can tell now we don’t turn till our 18th birthday.”  He said reading my ever twitch of face

I put my hand on my forearm and jerked away quickly.  “I’m burning up… Just like you guys,” I said amazed.

Ryan nodded.

“I also have to explain something to you Tala; no one besides other wolves can know what you are.  It’s not a rule but I’m pretty sure it was it would cause panic.  Also you can run, smell, and see a lot better now.  You are a lot stronger as well.  Certain things that would send a regular person crippling to the ground won’t even phase you.” Alick explained. 

I nodded soaking it all in. “Also you are open to Imprinting, and before you say anything about those gay ass twilight books, no, a boy werewolf imprints on a girl werewolf and the girls has to learn to love him though.  You can have multiple Imprints at one time.  Which, would mean you would have to choose one, the one you love, or you can just stay with your brother for eternity,” He said smiling at the last part. 

I just sat there, stunned.  I’m a werewolf, a huge ass wolf that can rip people limb from limb.  This is so confusing. “So someone in this room can imprint on me?”  I asked with a blank face.

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