Pshh.Werewolves Don't Exist {Ch.6}

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Tala's POV

After eating and then walking home, I was stuck sitting on the couch between Yuma and Beau.  I suddenly had a thought.  “Where do you guys live?”  I curiously looked at Yuma while waiting for him to answer. 

“Where ever we can get a place to sleep at.”  Yuma said, shrugging his shoulders.

“No way! That’s… that’s ridiculous!”  I yelled angrily.  I saw Beau smile wide.  “I say, that you guys stay here as long as you want to.” I glared at my brother, daring him to say any differently.

“We couldn’t just intrude on you and your brother” Ryan said kindly. 

I sighed, he’s way too nice and proper.  Mental note: get Ryan to loosen up. “Psh, have you seen this house? It’s big enough for 13 people!”  I said getting slightly frustrated. 

I saw Alick and Ryan whispering to each other.  I looked at Yuma, poised and quiet next to me.  “Alick, you know I don’t like being left out, and don’t think I forgot about the ‘not telling Tala she’s a giant ninja werewolf’ thing either.  When I get the chance, it is going to be revenge to the fullest.”  I smiled evilly, catching the flash of fear in his eyes.  I was always the greatest at getting back at him.

I saw him smile, “Its official, you guys are staying here.”

“Yay,”  I squealed then hugged the nearest person to me, which just happened to be Yuma, oddly enough.  I glanced at him then realized what I was doing.  “Sorry”  I said, gezz, I didn’t even know him that well and I was jumping on him. 

“No problem,”  He said smiling.

Jumping off the couch, I walked towards the kitchen, speaking over my shoulder.  “I’m going to make some M&M cookies to celebrate.”  I was suddenly in the mood to cook. 

“Yea! You guys are in for a treat, these cookies are the Shiznit.”  Alick said, doing a quick fist pump in the air. 

“Hey!  There’s no gangster talk in my house!”  I said, faking a motherly tone. 

The guys laughed.  “Ok ‘Mom,’  you can go cook now.”  Alick said emphasizing the word mom with air quotes. 

I laughed, “Don’t forget to put on a fresh pair of underwear kids!”  I yelled from the kitchen.

“Why can’t I just flip them inside out?”  I heard Beau yell in a whiney tone.  With his kid voice, he really sounded like he meant it.  I already love this guy to death, he’s like my second brother already. 

“Because it causes holes and crabs,” I yelled back.  I heard Yuma snort.

“Fine, just no crabs please.”  Beau called out in a defeated voice.

 I laughed, while mixing everything.  I still got it, yep that’s what I said, and I always win.  I was starting to lay the cookies on the sheet pan, while munching on some of the M&M’s when my mind wondered to the conversation we had back at the diner.  Hmm, I wonder if they would let me go with them patrolling tonight.  I’ll have to ask.  I also need to ask for the credit card from Alick and do a bit of shopping.  The deal is that my parents did leave a lot of money, however the only reason we don’t have a car is because Alick says walking is better and if I wanted a car, I would have to get the money myself.  BLAH BLAH BLAH!  Something about not being a snotty brat.  However, I really did need to go grocery shopping and clothes shopping for these guys, and a little for myself too.  *insert evil smirk*  I also need to check my supply of Ben and Jerry’s and stock up on it for the next night I’m depressed and want to watch ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ while cussing Christine all to hell for not choosing the Phantom.  God that always pisses me off.  Speaking of pissed off, Daray and Brasen piss me off, too.  Whoa, way to get off topic Tala. 

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