Game Day Part 2

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Chapter Six: Game Day Part 2

It was around 9:30, and after my tournament Blake asked me to come over.

I walked to his door and before I could even ring the doorbell, he opened the door.

"Hey baby girl, come on in!" Blake said.

"Thanks..." I said confused and tapped him on the chest.

He laughed, "So, are you hungry? I was about to heat up some leftover pizza."

"That's not from last weekend, is it?" I asked.

"No, Kenzy it isn't. It just so happens that I order pizza a lot more than I should," Blake said.

"Haha, I bet the delivery boy even knows you by name," I giggled.

"Well, uhh," I cut him off.

"Oh right, I forgot. Everyone already knows your name. You're a super star!" I said sarcastically kicking up my leg.

"You know what, you're funny," he said handing me my pizza.

I grinned, "So, do you wanna eat upstairs?" he asked.

"What?" I asked in awe, "we can do that?" I gasped sarcastically.

"Shhh," Blake put his to his lips, "Just don't tell my mom,"

We took our plates and went upstairs to eat on his bed.

"So, what's with you wanting to get to know me?" I said then took a bite of my pizza.

" I just want to know more about you that's all," he shrugged.

I didn't want him to feel like I wasn't interested so, I just played along.

"Well I'm nineteen years old, from Atlanta, I hate tomatoes... and I play volleyball," I laughed.

"Woa, I don't like tomatoes either," he said touching my leg.

"I know, what a coincidence," I said sarcastically, laughing.

"Keep going, I wanna know more," he said giving me his full attention.

"Alright, so I've been told I have a 'Type A Personality'. I'm high achieving and very competitive, which I guess is why I allow myself to get stressed out so easily," I said taking a sip of my water. "Also, I've been told I'm not very affectionate. I don't really like feelings or PDA, but I-I'm trying, I really am," I said touching his arm. I started to open up to him more, "And I guess that's why I joke around a lot, I don't like the serious sides of things," I shrugged.

Blake was listening very intently, "I've noticed," he said rubbing my leg. "Is that why you don't like it when I call you 'baby girl?'"

"No, no Blake," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I do like it when you call me that," I smiled and looked at him in the eyes.

He grinned,"So, by the way... what is your real name?"

I laughed,"It's Kennedy, Kennedy Geoffries," I smiled.

He laid down on his back and I rested my head down on his chest, he put his arm around me.

"So, there's nothing you wanna know about me?" Blake asked.

"I already know everything there is to know about you," I said in a know-it-all tone of voice.

"Okay so then what's my favorite movie?" Blake asked.

"Easy, Like Mike." I said confidently.

He shook his head.

"Okay, so then it's either Love and Basketball or the Jesus Shuttlesworth movie," I looked up at him.

"It's actually neither, but thanks for playing. And just because I play basketball doesn't mean I only like basketball movies," he said close to my lips then kissed me.

"So then, what is it?" I ask curiously.

"I'll tell you later... maybe," he said and turned the lights out.

And for the second time I slept over with Blake.

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