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Hey, so I know it's been like a month since I've updated but I'm pretty sure I combined like two chapters in here lol. Um btw there's a picture of James.. in case you were wondering😂.
Kenzy's POV:

I finally got back down to the court right before our game started.

"Hey, you okay?" Elise asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. To be honest I was a little on edge. Blake has no right to judge the situation I'm in, because it's because of him that I'm in this mess in the first place. It kind of got me fired up a little, which was good because I need to get my head in the game.

Our first game was against UCLA and I was trying to get Blake out of my head so I could focus on my game. But once I finally did, Frank (our ref) kept making bogus calls against me. Every time I hit the ball, he'd blow the whistle and point to the net.

"Elise, what the hell? I wasn't even anywhere near the net." I yelled.

"It's okay Kenzy. We'll get it back" she said.

Even though Frank's outrageous calls lost us a couple of points, we won the first set 25-18. Before our second set, Coach pulled us aside for a team huddle.

"Alright guys, way to finish up that last game. But to tell you the truth, we shouldn't have let them get this far," Coach says then looks over to me, "But we gotta be careful. Every call the ref makes today is going to be against us. So just watch the net." he says still looking at me.

"Coach, I was never in the net. All those calls were bullshit!" I said.

"I know, but we cannot have a repeat of last time. We need you in this game!"

I shook my head and we headed back on the court. The game was going good and Frank hadn't made any terrible calls against me so far.

... Until game point. We were up 24-20. It was serve receive and the ball was coming to me. It was deep, really deep. It was kind of close but I decided to let the ball go out of bounds.

"Good call, Geoffries!" My Coach yelled from the bench.

Frank blew the whistle and signaled a touch.

"What the hell, I did not touch that ball!" I yelled.

Just then he blew the whistle again and gave me a red card. This is ridiculous, now I'm out for the rest of the game.

"This is such bull!" I told Elise.

"I know, Kenzy. I know. It's alright we'll win this one."

I went to sit on the bench next to my coach. Eventually, we were losing and we couldn't catch up. It was so frustrating to just be sitting there, unable to do anything.

We ended up losing the game and I was pissed. We had about another hour until our next game and I needed to get out of this gym. I don't know if it was the game or if it was my conversation with Blake, that had me so emotional.

I ran outside the gym and sat outside the locker room doors. I put my head on the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest, and the tears just started rolling down my cheeks.

"Kenzy?" A male voice asks. I look up to see none other than James. "Oh shit, have you been crying, are you alright?" He kneels down next to me.

I let out an exasperated breath. "Yeah I'm alright."

"Really, 'cause you don't look it." he says and wipes the tears off my face.

"Thanks." I whisper.

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