Moving on

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Kenzy's POV:

It's been almost two weeks since Blake asked me to move in. I couldn't move in right away because I didn't want to leave Elise to pay rent by herself. Even though she said it was okay I waited for her to find a roommate.

"So do you have all your stuff?" Elise asked grabbing some of my bags.

"Yup, I think that's everything."

"I can't believe you're moving in with your boyfriend."

"I know," I still haven't told Elise about me and DJ, and to be honest it's weird keeping something like this from my best friend. But, if I wanna move on I gotta just forget it even happened.


Blake's POV:

Finally, Kenzys moving in. I totally underestimated how much stuff she has. So, I had DJ move some of my stuff out, to make room for her.

"Geez, man you're getting rid of your autographed basketball?" DJ asked looking through the box I gave him.

"Just for now," I shrugged, "Can't really find a place for it."

"You must really love her..." I nodded. "I still can't believe you're living with her" DJ said for the millionth time.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Well because of what happened between Kenzy and I," DJ admitted.

The fact that they kissed did kinda make me feel uneasy, but I'm just glad she was honest. "I mean, it's whatever. It's in the past now."

"Bro, I know we never really got a chance to talk about it. But it wasn't her fault. Lust just took over and I couldn't control myself." DJ confessed.

What does he mean 'he couldn't control himself?'. "Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked annoyed and very confused.


Kenzys POV:

After Elise and I finished packing all of my stuff into my car she had to go to work. So, I drove to Blake's house straight after.

I pull into his garage and as soon as I get out of my car, I hear yelling. And then I her the sound of glass breaking. But right before I could go inside and check out what happened, DJ came storming through the door with his hand held to his jaw.

"DJ, what the hell is going on?" I asked.

"You didn't fucking tell him!" he yelled with his fist clenched.

Oh no "You told him..." That was all I could manage to get out.

"Only because I thought you already did. Good luck because now he hates both of us," he said and walked away pissed off.

This is it. He knows now. And he hates me. But as much as it'd hurt me, I'm sure he's hurting even more.

I thought and processed this all while leaning on the side of my car. After about a minute or so, I decide to go in to talk to Blake.

I walk in and I see broken glass on the floor, I walk passed it and all I hear is the sound of my flip flops against the hardwood. I reach the living room and Blake is nowhere in sight. I hear the water running from upstairs and decide to follow the sound.

"Blake," I say knocking on the bathroom door.

"Kenzy, if that's you please get the fuck out of my house." Blake said plainly.

Ouch, "Blake please," I pleaded from outside the door.

He violently opened the door, just standing there with only basketball shorts on. I didn't know what to say.

"What?" Blake said annoyed.

"I don't know what to say..."

"Just tell the truth for once Kenzy, just be honest. And don't fucking try to deny it. You slept with my best friend."

"I did not sleep with him, I wouldn't do that. "

"Oh yeah, then what happened?" he tried.

"We- we..." I didn't know how to say it. I didn't want to say it.

"Exactly, Kenzy don't lie to me."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't imagine how you feel right now," I couldn't bare to look him in the eye.

"Nothing." he said blatantly.

"What?" I asked in shock.

"I feel nothing for you," he enunciated now.

"You promised me you'd always love me remember? Please Blake, please forgive me" I could feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Well I lied, I could never love such a selfish bitch,"

"Blake, baby please don't say that."

"It's true, and unlike you I'm being honest. You should appreciate that."

"Please don't do this," I begged, "I love you, we love each other, remember?" I attempted to move closer to him but he was stubborn, unmoving and wouldn't wrap his arms around me like he usually would. He just stood there.

I held on tighter, and I couldn't keep my tears in any longer. "I'm so sorry," I managed to say through my sniffles and cries.

"I think you should go now," he said trying to release himself from my hold.

"Blake, I have nowhere to go," I said still trying to hold on to him.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you,"

Wow, I didn't think he could be so cruel. It hurt. I finally pulled away from him and you could see where I was crying on his chest.

I wiped my tears with my hand, "Okay that's fair," I said finally. I walked away slowly waiting for him to say something else. But he never did.

I got out of his house as quickly as possible. When I reached my car, I broke down crying.

How do I always manage to do this? I always fuck up my relationships myself. But now I've really screwed myself over, I have nowhere to sleep tonight.

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