Comfortable Love (Blake Griffin)

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Chapter One: Meeting Blake

I'm Kenzy. I play volleyball at the University of Southern California and I'm majoring in sports medicine. This summer I'm interning at a physical therapy center. I love everything about physical therapy and working with both healthy and injured athletes. So my boss normally makes me talk to our athletes while I'm stretching them out.

But this morning my boss is making me get to work really early. He wants to talk to me about something important.

"Coffee?" My boss Joe offered me.

"No thanks Joe, I'm good," I said kind of annoyed, I wish he'd just get to the point.

"So... good news for the business," he said looking excited, "We have a young NBA player coming in this morning to check out our business." Joe said waiting to see my reaction, but I was actually just more annoyed that he kept referring to our rehabilitation site as a 'business'.

"Oh wow, the business is gonna love this!" I said sarcastically.

"Alright, alright," Joe said finally getting to the point. "He's a young new star athlete down here in LA, and I figured since your a young athlete, and a pretty one at that, might I add, you and him might have a lot in common."

"Yeah, we might... Why?"

"Look, all you'd have to do is talk to him and flirt with him a little. Convince him that if he goes anywhere else, his knee won't get better and he can kiss the NBA goodbye," Joe said practically pleading.

I mean it seemed a bit harsh but whoever this guy is, we can help him. And that's all I care about.

"So what am I gonna be his new athletic trainer?" I asked.

"Only for today if that's what you want. just give him a tour of the place and stretch him out, please!" Joe said sounding like his whole being depended on me.

"Alright, Joe. I'll do it"

"Now, that's what I'm talking about girl... you might even like him too, he's very attractive!" Joe said smiling.

"Alright, Joe lets not get ahead of ourselves here," I said.


Even an hour later I felt nervous. I mean Joe was counting on me... but I mean he's just a jock like me.

But more than anything I was just surprised he chose me. I'm just a 19 year old girl from Georgia. I'm 5'10"which made me really tall compared to most of the guys I came in contact with. I'm black but my mom is mixed black and white which explains my long hair and light skin.

Before I walked to the front to meet him, I fixed my hair so the front part was pulled in to a ponytail and the rest of my hair was down my back. I was wearing legging capris that cam to just below my knees, a black tank top and my old neon green and black warm up jacket.

I walked out to the front, the waiting area was pretty much empty and then I saw a large ginger filling out paper work. I figured that's who I was looking for.

"Ummm Blake Griffin," I said motioning for him to follow me.

He got up and followed me to the door leading to the rest of the building.

"Hi, I'm Kenzy," I said smiling.

"Um, hey Kenzy. I didn't really get a chance to finish filling this out, I'm not really sure what any of this means..." Blake said looking at me really confused.

"Ohh, well maybe you should just come back later..." I said trying to sound apologetic, " I'm sorry it's just that we're really busy, and I don't have time to fill this out for you..." I said waiting for him to say something.

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