Punch buggies and Goodbyes

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Chapter Eleven: Punch Buggies and Goodbyes

I woke up that morning in Blake's bed, with the worst hangover I've ever encountered.

I didn't see Blake in the room, so I assumed he was downstairs. I stumbled downstairs seeing Blake downstairs making breakfast.

"Hey, Good morning Kenzy!" Blake yelled while banging two pots together. This only making my hangover worse.

I cringed and covered my ears, "Why do you have to be such a dick all the time?" I said annoyed putting my hands to my head massaging my temples. The noise was still ringing in my ears.

"Hey, I'm not a dick. I'm a good guy," Blake said pulling me close to him. "I told you to slow down on the shots last night,"

"I don't remember anything from last night, I only remember that you wouldn't dance with me," I said poking him in the chest.

"Babe you know I don't dance,"

"Whatever," I said pulling away from him, "What did you even do all night anyways?"

"I saw my friend, Paige at the bar so I talked to her for a little bit," Blake said getting out some plates.

"Paige? Like the Paige I work with?"

"No, Paige as in Paige Reed my friend. I'll introduce you to her one day, if you want," Blake said.

"Okay, I can't wait," I said sitting down at the table.

After we ate Blake and I were sitting down on his couch.

"Hey so you know I love you, right?" Blake said on my lips while laying on top of me.

"Yeah," I said kissing him, "What's going on?" I said pushing him off of me.

"Well I need you to know, because pre-seasons starting soon and I'm going to be gone, and I won't be able to spend as much time with you..." he trailed off.

"Oh," I said looking away.

"You okay?" he asked rubbing my leg.

"Yeah," I kissed his cheek, "Babe, I'm fine. I don't want you to worry about me. Plus, I am really excited to see one of your games,"


"Yeah of course," I said grabbing his hand.

"I love you Kenz,"

"Yeah, Blake I know," I pecked him on the lips.


A few months later, it was October and Blake's season was about to start. Him and his teammates are leaving for New Orleans tonight. I'm definitely gonna miss him, I just hate that he's worrying about me so much.

"Hey Kenzy, have you seen my phone?" Blake asked walking over to the couch.

"No hun, I haven't. Did you check your pockets?" I said following him to the couch.

He patted his back pocket and let out a laugh. He fell back on the couch and I flopped down next to him.

"Blake look at me," I grabbed his face and looked him in the eye, "What's going on with you?"

"Kenz, I don't even know. I'm just -- I'm stressing out right now,"

"Why, you've done this before," I said trying to calm him down.

"Yeah, and then I tore my miniscus," he trailed off.

"Blake, that was last season. You're meniscus is great, you literally have nothing to worry about," I said rubbing his leg.

"No, I have you," he said looking down.


"I have you and I care about you so much, and I guess I'm just scared I'll do something stupid and fuck everything up..." he trailed off.

"Baby listen, I have faith in us, you just need to trust yourself, because I do," I said putting my hands in his hair.

He sighed and put his forehead against mine, "I guess you're right,"

"Of course I'm right," I kissed his lips and stood up, "So can you stop stressing out now?" I asked pulling him off the couch.

"Yeah I just need one thing,"

"What?" I asked walking toward the kitchen.

"You," he pulled me into him and kissed me.

"Blake, no. You need to leave soon," I said pulling away.

"Come on Kenzy let me have you one last time before I leave," he said holding my hand, "I'll make it quick,"

I laughed and jumped on him, my legs straddling his waist.

He chuckled and laid me down on the couch.


About five minutes later, I was laying on top of him thinking about how much I would miss him.

"You okay?" he asked me sitting up.

"Yeah," I said looking around for my clothes, "What time do you have to leave?"

"I should probably leave now, it's 6 o'clock. " He said as he threw on his clothes.

"Do you wanna drive me to the airport?" he asked throwing my keys to me.

"In my bug? Yeah, let's go."

He piled his luggage into the back of my car and I sat in the passenger seat waiting. He drove to the airport where his team was waiting.

"Punch buggie blue, oh wait that's just Blake," DJ said laughing as we pulled up.

Blake got out of the car to unload his bags and I got out as well.

"DJ, you got something to say about my car?" I asked with my hand on my hip.

"Um no, it's a good car for you. You know, it fits you. But it doesn't fit Blake!" DJ started cracking up.

"Oh, so you got jokes now, huh DJ?" Blake said slamming my trunk closed.

"Alright guys, enough with the jokes," I said approaching DJ to give him a hug.

"Alright Kenz, I'll see you later," DJ said still hugging me.

"Please take care of my boyfriend for me," I said.

"Of course!" DJ said looking at Blake.

"Baby girl, I love you." Blake said kissing me.

"I love you too, have fun okay?" I said pulling away.

"Okay, I'll see you in a week," He said as he walked into the airport.

I just stood there until I could no longer see him. Then I got onto my car and drove back to my apartment.

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