big boy

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As I waited for Chris to reappear into the room I sat down on the bed with my back against the wall and stroked my perky member through my white Calvins whilst my other hand played with my right nipple.

At this point I didn't really mind if Chris saw me hard, I mean lots of guys wank together right?

A couple moments later Chris came in and fuck me he looked good. The legs of these trunks were right on his skin and short enough to show his bulge clearly . He was big and clearly girthy - something that his cute body didn't suggest.

He had pulled the Calvins down far enough to show his chiseled v-line and the start of some pubic hair that was clearly neatly trimmed around his member. He looked up at me from rearranging my white Calvins around his bulge and made eye contact. I blushed and looked away and so did he.
God I wanted him so badly right now, with his perfect tanned body and perky ass, just on my lap . Grinding and rubbing.

in all this thinking I can become erect and Chris had seen.

"Let's get changed they look good" I rushed out of the room back into the bathroom and hastily changed and waited for the erection to go back down before returning into the room where Chris was looking awkwardly at the walls and trying to avoid eye contact.

chris and I (smut oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now