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It was Thursday the week after Chris had stayed over for the night. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him all weekend and it was driving me wild.

Every part of his body from his perky nipples, his tanned abs to his prominent bulge that had seemed to pulse with my own heartbeat were burnt into my memory.

After Chris had left that morning, we had chatted online for a few hours and played some videogames on our x-boxes but other than that we hadn't really chatted. As I sat in physics, the last period of the day my phone pinged, and I looked down at it on my lap to see who it was messaging me.

It was Chris.

"Hey mate, I was wondering since we have Friday off and then the rest of the weekend if you wanted to go camping. My parents are away and said I can borrow the car so we could go off to one of the lakes or the forest north of here and camp for a couple nights. Lemme know your plans, Chris"

My heart raced; this was exactly what I needed for this weekend. School had been so stressful the past two weeks and I knew that this would calm me down and be a nice way to spend more time together with my best friend other than just through the x-box.

"sounds great man" I texted, "how about the beach. Its so empty this time of year as the tourists aren't here yet and we could have a fire in the dunes".

I smiled and looked back up to the teacher who was by this point at least 5 steps ahead of me in explaining another useless theory I just couldn't understand. I smiled to myself and got back to note writing.

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