camping prep

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As soon as I got home from college, I went up my stairs and threw off my clothes to change into something more comfortable. The weather was beginning to get properly hot and the uniform for college was way too hot. I changed out of the black chinos and long sleeved shirt into some jersey shorts and a white t shirt that were much better suited to the weather.

I checked my phone to see if Chris had messaged me again and sure enough, he had.

“The beach sounds great mate. If I bring my car to pick you up tomorrow morning can you buy some food for the weekend. I still have my two man tent so that’s sorted, and I know a part of the beach that a friend of my family owns so it will be totally empty.”

“oh, and make sure you pack swimming stuff as there’s no way we aren’t going in the sea the weather is amazing”

This sounded perfect. I had been wanting to swim in the ocean all month, but no one would go with me. It was finally warm enough and I couldn’t wait. Hopefully it would give me more time to looks at Chris’s amazing body too.

“sure thing, it sounds amazing Chris” I messaged back to him, opening up my laptop to get a food delivery for later. “ill get the food and see if I have anything else, I should bring. Keep you updated bro”

I quickly ordered some food to arrive later that night and got around to pack what I would need.

Although we were only going to be staying three nights, I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t run out of clothes. There wasn’t much I hated more then not having clean clothes to wear. Also, Chris would be driving us right to the site so I wouldn’t have to carry any of it, so weight wasn’t an issue.

Firstly, I grabbed some plain t shirts and a shirt to wear when we were there. I then grabbed two pairs of shorts for if we went on a run whilst there and also so to not get too hot during the day. I had a lot of different swimming options so that was a harder choice. I grabbed my black Versace trunks with shorter legs as well as some white briefs. Just as I was about to close the door of my closet, I grabbed another grey Calvin Klein pair of swimming briefs in case Chris needed a pair as I knew he wasn’t as obsessed with clothes as I was.

I then grabbed a few pairs of socks and a handful of underwear and stuffed it all into my backpack. I clipped on my sleeping bag and a blanket and tossed it all by my door for the morning.

Before I went to sleep, I did a few last crunches and weight exercises then showered and jumped naked onto my bed. It was so hot I thought nothing of not changing into underwear to sleep in and I left my air con on all night to keep cool, my last thought was setting my alarm before I fell asleep.

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