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Chris came out of the bathroom looking fucking gorgeous whilst I was mid ordering some pizza. I decided on two large pizzas and some chips. We had done lots of excercise and we definitely deserved it.

I put down the phone as looked into his eyes, they were a warm hazel with flacks of gold and I felt them staring into my soul. I quickly looked away.

We sat down and began to watch a scary film waiting for the pizza to arrive, it was cold and as the film progressed I lived closer towards Chris under the blanket that was covering us both.

When i finally reached his side we made brief eye contact, I froze for a moment worrying he might push me away, but he simply lifted his arm around my shoulder and continued to watch the film.

The pizza had arrived by now and we were both full of so much food we could hardly move. I leant back against his side as we both lay there full and warm. My hand slipped slowly down his abs and lay on his thigh. I could feel his tight muscles tensing beneath my hands through the thin fabric of his sweatpants.

As we lay there I rubbed his thigh slowly  time to time through the sweatpants , his breath next to me turning me on as I felt my own member stiffen in my Calvin's.

chris and I (smut oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now