sleepover pt. 2

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Oh god what had I done? Now I had to work out how to entertain Chris all night and try and get him excited later, maybe even sleep in the same bed as me?

I looked at him, he was sat down on my bed now fully dressed on the phone to his mum - checking he was able to stay over. His jaw was tensed as he told his mum he was staying over, they had never had the best relationship and I'm sure that he was glad he was able to spend another night free of her constant nagging .

Fuck my rooms such a mess, I ran around tidying away various school folders and half finished art pieces so that the room was vaugely acceptable. I was lucky I lived in a separate building to my parents - on the opposite side of the drive seperation by a tall hedge with my own bathroom , bedroom and living room. I even had my own hot tub just outside my back door hidden from view of the house.

Maybe that would come in useful later?..

"Hey, mate".

I turned quickly to be faced with chris's crotch on my face.  I quickly backed away blushing and stood up off the floor to face him. "Yeah?"

"I was wondering if I could change into some of your clothes. I wasn't planning on staying over obviously so I'm in some clothes just for walking home. Do you have anything more comfortable?" Chris asked.

Now was my chance, get him to wear whatever I wanted. Well within reason of course. I looked over his toned body visible through his tight clothes wondering what would look hottest on him.

"Yeah , let me just have a look around for some stuff "...

I turned round tying to work out what to give Chris to wear. First I went to the underwear drawer and found a pair of grey Calvin Klein trunks that were super short with the thick red band for the waistline. The I went to my closet and started looking for an outfit.

I decided on a pair of black and white Adidas tracksuit bottoms, tight to the body yet giving enough movement to see anything. Then I found a tight white top with rolled sleeves that showed armpit when you raised your arms. Perfect.

I went back to Chris who had now finished his phonecall to give him the clothes.

"Here you go Chris"

He looked at the clothes with an obvious happiness then walked over to the other corner of the room to change . He pulled of his trousers and top and began to put on the new tracks.

"Um. I got you some new underwear as well" I hurriedly mentions pointing to the tight grey pair by his muscular legs.

"I figured they would be more comfortable for a longer time and they are kinda hot" I stuttered, my cheeks blushing hot pink

He looked up with obvious arousal in his eyes before picking up the pair of Calvins and retreating into my bathroom to put them on.

Damn I may not have got to see his dick. Well at least not yet I still had high hopes.

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