the show

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"what do you think?" Asked Chris, I turned suddenly and had to hold back a gasp

He had changed into the grey Calvin's and God did he look amazing. He was wearing just the Calvin's and socks, I could see every muscle and I couldn't look away from his perky nipples.

"Damn.. I mean yeah mate they look great" I said.

He blushed and I thought I saw his junk twitch slightly, god I wanted to fuck him so badly with that cute perky ass of his and those blushed, tanned cheeks.

"Do a twirl, let's see how well they fit" I suggested. As Chris spun his ass shook slightly and I felt my own large member tense in my sweats.

"The look great what do you think?"

"I mean, I like them but they aren't that interesting" I said, "I mean I've got some way nicer pairs which I think would show off your body better.... And they are comfier"

Chris blushed and stared at me "yeah I mean these are a bit loose I guess" he stuttered

"Yeah I know, I find I prefer ones which hold my junk in place a bit better for moving" I said , looking him up and down subtly, "I mean, nice to have my nich vaugely safe haha and some of my pairs make your butt and dick look amazing when you wear them"

"Not that yours don't already!" I said suddenly, stuttering and blushing.

"Haha just go try on another pair" I said laughing. As Chris walked back to my closet I gave my dick a slight jerk as I saw his perky ass walk away in my Calvin's, I can't wait to smell them later and taste his clean, perfect scent.

chris and I (smut oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now