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As I walked back into the room with my pile I saw Chris sat on my back looking excited if a little nervous. God that boy was hot.

I handed home the pile onto his lap.

"Here you go mate, go see how these feel" I said, looking at him

"Just nip into my closet, I'll wait here to see what they look like" I said.

Chris stood up and began to walk towards the door, "thanks, it'll be great to know what I like without having to actually buy them!" He said before blushing and walking to the door and closing it behind him.

Once Chris had gone, I dimmed the lighting slightly so he wouldn't feel so self conscious and walked over to my Bluetooth speaker system that was plugged in around the room . I selected a mix of chill beats and let it play just to soften the mood.

I was now just wearing my white Calvin Klein underneath an Adidas sheer black sweatpants with no top but luckily my heating was on and the room was warm enough for my body to feel the perfect temperature - his nipples may be a little perky though.

I was just about to sit on my bed when I heard the cupboard door open...

chris and I (smut oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now