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I looked at my phone and realized it was 12:30 at night. Shit haha.

"Guess we should sleep now mate, especially since I have to go help out at the gym tomorrow" I told Chris.

"Yeah haha, I didn't realize how fast time had gone" Chris said.

We both walked over to my double bed and I turned off my lights. The room was almost pitch black and in the darkness I changed out of my clothes into some thin briefs and got into my bed.

"Ummmm where shall I go?" Asked Chris, he sat on the edge of the bed looking at me

"Either side Chris, it is a bit cold though so guess we could spoon" I suggested "I don't mind which way" I added.

"I'm happy being smaller spoon , you're right it is super cold and we've got underwear on anyway" Chris said.

He got into bed under the covers with me and we lay there for a while with me facing his back.

I could hear his breathing and knew he could feel my warm breath in his back. After a few minutes I inched myself forward and pressed myself against his toned back. I ft my bulge press against his perky ass and him tense it slightly in response.

As he didn't move I slowly lifted my right arm and layed it over his shoulder and down by his legs and lifted my leg to spoon his smaller body to get comfortable.

We slowly drifted off to sleep and my last memory was hearing his soft breathing and his warm skin against my own.

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